EliasGames's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello,

    I wanted to ask if it is possible to create an account for CocoonJS withou a company, because in the registration it is requiered to write something into its field.

    (I wanted it to use for making android games)

    Thanks in Advance

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  • Did you try:

    Let's say there is a button called "Load Game".

    On Load Game clicked > Load Game

    Go to Layout

    Or use variables:

    Load (check if game already loaded) = 0

    On Load Game clicked > Load Game

    Load = 1

    If Load = 1 > Go to Layout

    Load = 0

    I didn't try it, but I'm going to do in a few minutes.

    I hope I could help you.

  • I don't know the type of game, but I have a suggestion.

    If the player plays some levels or a story mode offline, he can find items and so on.

    He can use them in the online mode. The ingame money is saved on a server. The items he can find in the offline mode aren't good and he have to upgrade them in the online mode to make them better.

    The player only can get ingame money in the online mode.

    This would be my suggestion.

    It isn't a really good idea, but I hope I could help you.

  • You're right, it should be with real time

  • Thanks

    I'm going to try it later

  • I think there is one. If you make double-click and then add the CocoonJS object, then you can add Events wich are for Game Center.

  • Great! Thanks!

    But only one question:

    If I plant something today and save the day/date in a variable and then play tomorrow, doesn't it load the date if tomorrow?

  • Oh, sorry.

    It is this one:

    I need to save in a variable the date on wich the fruit was planted and then check on every 1 second if the day, on wich it was planted, is one lower then today.

    So if I plant the fruit today, it have to check if it is tomorrow and if yes, it can be harvested.

  • Does anyone know an answer?

  • Oh sorry

  • Thanks, but I want to check if something is not on collision with one other.

    But I already found out, how to do what I want.

  • Hello,

    I need help again.

    I'm making a game like Harvest Moon (a farm simulation), but I want to use real time.

    I found a plugin for checking the real time, but I have a problem now:

    I need to check if it's the day later then before, but how can I do this?

    So if you play today and plant something, then tomorrow you can harvest it.

    I thought about using variables.

    I hope someone can help me.

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Member since 18 Feb, 2014

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