Creeps Compilation's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello,

    Thank you for the assistance..

    I implemented the first part of your suggestion and I am now seeing integer values for the binary data.

    This is the beginning sequence if the binary file I am trying to load using a standard

    binary file viewer.

    The first byte is "E4"

    E4 01 0C E0 70 80 80 10 80 02 0B 01 01 02 04

    The integer values I am displaying are not decoded correctly,

    The first integer value should be 228.

    Here is the listing of the binary data inside the binary file

    E4 01 0C E0 70 80 80 10 80 02 0B 01 01 02 04

    E4 02 00 01 09 00 02 4D 00 16

    E2 01 32 66

    E2 01 32 2C 1B 4D 1B 12 1B 3A 69 43 3A 4D 1C 2D 5A 00

    E4 02 01 02 00 01 00 00

    E4 02 02 02 00 02 00 00

    E4 02 03 02 00 03 00 00

    E4 02 04 09 0B 04 02 5A 00 02 66 00

    E4 02 05 00 00 05 00 00

    E4 02 06 01 01 06 0C 14 11 66

    E3 14

    E3 11

    E2 01 32 5A 00 03 11 0C 00

    E4 02 07 00 00 07 00 00

    E4 02 08 01 01 08 03

    E0 6B 00 07 66

    E2 01 4F 35 5A 00

    E4 02 09 01 01 09 03

    E0 75 00 0B 14

    E2 01 32 79

    E2 01 32

    E3 14 00

    E4 02 0A 00 00 0A 00 00

    E4 02 0B 01 01 0B 03

    E0 74 00 07 66

    E2 01 4F 31 5A 00

    E4 02 0C 00 00 0C 00 00

    E4 02 0D 01 01 0D 03

    E0 72 00 0B 14

    E2 01 32 7B

    E2 01 32

    E3 14 00

    E4 02 0E 00 00 0E 00 00

    E4 02 0F 00 00 0F 00 00

    E4 02 10 00 09 10 02 32 00 00

    E4 02 11 00 00 11 00 00

    E4 02 12 09 01 12 03 21 5A 00 02 22 00

    E4 02 13 09 01 13 49 2E 36

    E0 1F


    E3 1F

    E2 01 32 5A

    E2 01 7D

    E2 01 7D

    E2 01 7D

    E2 01 7D

    E2 01 7D

    E2 01 7D 12 1B 4B 1C 3A

    E3 12 29 12 1B

    E3 12 43 31 34 4B 24 1B 29 24 31 29 24 3A 4D 1C 15 3C 24 2C 1C 2D 5A

    E2 01 7D

    E2 01 7D

    E2 01 7D 5A 00 02 49 00

    E4 02 14 00 01 14 03 22 5A 00 00

    E4 02 15 00 01 15 06 16 26 36 16 5A 00 00

    E4 02 16 00 01 16 03 49 5A 00 00

    E4 02 17 00 01 17 13 2C 1B 4D 1B 12 1B

    E3 12 12 31

    E3 12 12 1B

    E3 12 16 5A 00 00


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  • Hello,

    I need to import a binary file and then parse the data to interpret it.

    These binary files already exist and I was hoping to make my project

    to be able to load in these binary files, and interpret the data.

    So, far, I can load the binary files in, however, I have been unable to

    view the data as hexadecimal values. I already know how to interpret the

    binary data, if I can just view it as hexadecimal values.

  • Thank you for the help..

    I can see that I am importing the binary data file, but I am not sure how to convert that hexadecimal values that I can parse?

  • I need to import a binary file with hex values so I can

    parse through each byte.

    I am able to import the binary file fairly easy, but I am not

    sure how to edit it as hexadecimal values?

  • I am looking to change the iframe URL to point to an IP address

    on my local network.

    Within Construct 3, how is this done?

    Can I simply enter the IP address as the iframe URL?

    Example: I can currently enter the IP directly on the

    browser URL and connect to this network webpage.

  • Hey DOP, I am also having trouble with the "Local Storage" in Construct..

    I can SET and GET variables ok "within" Construct, however, when I try to GET or SET

    those variables "outside" of Construct using standard javascript, I have no success.

    I need to save Base64 image data for use by other web pages, not Construct related.

    The Base64 data can be large, so Cookies don't work, and passing these values within a

    URL doesn't work either. Both cases, the file size exceeds the limits.

    I found that I can save these large Bas64 image data strings to Local Storage, thinking I

    could access them from another web page using standard javascript, NOT...

    Any ideas?

  • Thank you DOP !!

  • Is the Construct Local Storage "different" than the server Local Storage?

    How can I SET a Local Storage value in Construct, then GET that same Local Storage value in a separate

    JS file using standard javascript code?

  • The following JAVASCRIPT works perfectly, I can SET and GET variables to "Local Storage" on

    my local host testing domain (WAMPserver).

    I can also SET and GET variables within my Construct project, exported to the SAME folder

    as my external javascript file.

    Question: Is the Construct Local Storage different than the server Local Storage?

    I can SET a Local Storage value in Construct, GET it to confirm it is saved, but I am not

    able to GET that same value from another js file within the SAME folder on the SAME domain?

    localStorage.setItem("lastname", "Smith");	
    var xls = localStorage.getItem("lastname");


  • ANSWER: Use the System Expression "RegexReplace" to SEARCH through a string and REPLACE any

    characters, or string of characters with another character or string of characters.

    Example: RegexReplace(Text.Text, "p", "g", "*")

    Searches the string saved in "Text.Text" for the letter "p" and replaces it with "*"

    The "g" is s GLOBAL FLAG property that just means to repeat the search and replace thru the

    entire string, not just ONCE or the FIRST occurrence.

    For my problem with URL special characters, I had to run several operations on the same string.

    The % is followed by the ASCII code for the character that was replaced by the browser.

    %3A = ":", etc.





  • I am looking for a "Search and Replace" routine, function, or method?

  • Apparently, URL's cannot pass certain symbols, and the URL is ENCODED replacing these symbols

    with a Percent sign (%) and as number.


    Text String (URL) received:





    Is there a plugin or built in Construct function to DECODE these URL strings?

    If not, does anyone know of a way to take an existing string, such as in the above example, and

    replace all of the ENCODED characters with the correct symbols?


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Creeps Compilation

Member since 13 Feb, 2014

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