Creeps Compilation's Recent Forum Activity

  • I am taking pictures with the USER MEDIA plugin and I am finding that I need to

    add an option to my project that allows a user to rotate the camera picture within

    sprite object.

    The cell phone camera will take a picture in landscape mode when held sideways and

    in portrait mode when held vertical.

    However, I would like to give the user the option to rotate the image inside the sprite.

    Note: Rotating the sprite object itself is not what I am looking for.

    Within the image editor, I can rotate the image within the sprite object, but I need to

    do this at runtime.

  • Literally, everything you helped me with has WORKED PERF !!!

    Thank you very much...

  • Any idea how to separate every two digits of a string?

    If I have a string "112233445566", how do I read every (2) digits to

    separate the values? These represent individual BYTES

    I need to pull this string apart (2) characters at a time.

    Byte # 1 = 11

    Byte # 2 = 22

    Byte # 3 = 33

    Byte # 4 = 44

    Byte # 5 = 55

    Byte # 6 = 66

  • Any idea how to separate every two digits of a string?

    If I have a string "112233445566", how do I read every (2) digits to

    separate the values?

    These are bytes: I need to pull this string apart (2) characters at a time.







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  • GREAT !!! Thank you very much...

    I'm not that familiar with how to sort and parse within the Construct environment.

    I see that you used "Compare Two Values"..

    left(line, 1)

    Equal to =

    "[" This identifies the "Group" section? Then, you use an "else" statement assuming any other lines are "Parameters"? Since these INI files will always be structured in the exact same order, I should be able to sort by line number, (Example: the first (9) lines are always "Global Settings" and the TOP line will always be the group name "[GLOBAL_PARAMETERS]".

    The 2nd line will always be the "Name" variable, and so on.

    All I need from each line is the VALUE "after" the "=" ?

    While the loop reads a single line in, I just retrieve the VALUE "after" the "=".

    Do, you know of a technique to READ the VALUE "after" the "=" ???

  • Thank you so much...

    That works GREAT !!!

    So, to write an INI, I need to use NWJS, but will that work to the local PC?

  • I have an application that requires reading and writing to existing "INI" file types.



    Address=1234 Elm St.

    City=Los Angeles







    I am seriously confused as to how this is done.


  • Hey MatrixReal,

    Do you have any information on that "cordova flashlight plugin" you mentioned?

    I am running into major roadblocks trying to find it, or get anything else working.

    At this point, I am getting desperate..

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  • Hello Skymen,

    I have an important Construct 2 project going that requires the use of a cell phone or tablet

    camera. In many cases, poor lighting requires the use of the cell phone or tablet FLASHLIGHT.

    The Construct 2 "User Media" plugin works great, except, when I go to my cell phone menu and

    activate the built in FLASHLIGHT feature within the cell phone, this turns OFF the Construct 2

    "User Media" camera itself. I am not able to get BOTH working together.

    This has been very frustrating and I have posted several forum requests for help, without a real

    solution. Including to Scirra direct, asking them to ADD the FLASHLIGHT FLASH ON and OFF function

    to the existing "User Media" plug in.

    What I need is ANY solution, including script I can run using the "Browser" plugin, which will allow

    my project to TUNR ON and OFF the cell phone or tablet FLASHLIGHT without conflicting with the Construct 2 "User Media" camera plugin.

    I found java script which works to turn on the camera FLASH, but always turns OFF the Construct 2

    "User Media" camera itself..

    I am hoping to find someone who can create script that can DETECT if a camera FLASHLIGHT is available

    and then turn it ON and OFF without turning OFF the Construct 2 "User Media" camera.

    My preferred solution would be if someone could ADD the FLASHLIGHT functions to the existing Construct 2

    "User Media" plugin itself, so as to simply it for myself and many other users.

    I am willing to pay for this service..

    Please contact me or reply to this posting...

  • I am wondering if the problem is caused by the fact that the example code

    I am using uses "Constants" instead of variables?

    "const photoCapabilities"

    The only way I can turn OFF the light is to RELOAD the HTML page..

  • THANK YOU dop2000,

    That works GREAT !!!

    I didn't know how to get rid of the BTN within the java script.

    QUESTION: How do I turn OFF the light once it is ON?

    I created (2) buttons on a test Construct project:

    ON Button:

    On Click = Browser RUN Java Script: "The script you helped me with"


    OFF Button

    I tried changing the the java script to

    torch: false

    However, that did not work for some reason.

    Is there something else I am missing>

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Creeps Compilation

Member since 13 Feb, 2014

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