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  • Hello tomycase,

    I found the following example and I was wondering if you might know if

    I could use this method to save and load from files?

    Click here:

  • Hi tomycase,

    I have my test project working, mostly.

    I am able to LOAD the ARRAY values from an external text JSON file.

    Filename: "Key1_data.ckd" (TEXT FILE)

    Inside the TEXT JSON file:


    I have not been able to find a way to SAVE the same ARRAY to this same TEXT JSON file

    located in my FILES folder?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated..

  • Hi tomycase,

    Ok, both examples work GREAT and I think I understand how it all is operating now..

    Final questions:

    1. How would I now export a localstorage slot of data to a JSON file on the users local hard drive?

    2. How would I LOAD in that JSON back in later?

  • Thank you very much, I will try this right away...

  • No worries, I really appreciate any help you can provide and I plan on posting

    my results, along with an example CAPX project for any other users who may have

    a similar question..

  • Hi Tomycase, any updates on my post?

  • Thank you tomycase..

  • Hello,

    Yes, my goal is to make a web browser user data page

    that allows a user to save their personal information to their LOCAL PC

    and then be able to BROWSE their PC and LOAD in different user profiles.

    So, the user fills out a web form, then SAVES that data to a file on their

    local PC.

    After that, the user can BROWSE And LOAD in different user profiles which

    are saved to their LOCAL PC.

    I hope that makes sense

  • Hello,

    Thank you very much for the help, I really appreciate it.

    Here is a couple of screen shots for a test project CAPX I put together.

    This loads an ARRAY DATA file from the local project folder \ Files folder.

    The FIXED file is named "Data_1.txt" and it loads when I click the LOAD button

    using an AJAX Request.

    Is there a way to allow a user to BROWSE and LOAD a different ARRAY DATA file

    using the File Chooser?

    NOTE: I would also OK with using a DICTIONARY OBJECT if that might work?

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  • I am looking to use the "file chooser" to allow a user to BROWSE and SELECT

    a JSON file from their local hard drive that contains the saved game data.

    I want a user to be able to save their data to their LOCAL hard drive as a JSON file, and

    then be able to BROWSE their local hard drive to LOAD that JSON file in which is saved somewhere

    on the users hard drive.

  • Does anyone have an example CAPX project that can load and saves an array from a specific

    JSON file on a local PC?

    I need to allow a user to save an array of variables to the local PC, then browse to it later

    and load it back in?

  • Hello,

    I have developed a beta test version of a game idea using Construct2 and I am happy with the basic game concept

    however, I would like to have this game made specifically for mobile game play and my current design is basically

    made for Web browser and Windows EXE play.

    I will need a non-disclosure agreement signed before we can discuss the game itself, so please let me know if you

    are ok with that.

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Creeps Compilation

Member since 13 Feb, 2014

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