Creeps Compilation's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello,

    I have a game application that has ALOT of data storage, including allowing users to load and save custom characters. I would like to use a single file LOCAL MySql database for this.

    The idea would be to have the MySql database located on the PC, MAC, Android, or iOS device.

    I am already doing with with several other custom APP's, just not games, and I was hoping C2 has a way

    to connect to a local MySql database?

  • Hello,

    I'm wondering if it is possible to use an SQLITE database with Construct 2?

    I have a game idea and I would like the player to be able to save a custom image

    as their character in the game.

  • balistreri







  • Can't post the email address..

    I got blocked...

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  • Sorry I haven't got back with you guys on this posting, I've been working on several projects

    that needed immediate attention.

    Anyway, contact me direct for more details, I'm looking for a partner, not an employee..

    This would be an opportunity to be a full partner and receive a percentage of sales.

    To answer your question White Claws, I am both an artist and a programmer, but I'm an

    electronic engineer by trade and I've been programming Windows based applications

    for many years. I'm also a bass player, drummer, and song writer.

    I am currently closing a deal to develop an unrelated business APP and I am looking for

    a partner who can take the game concept that I have already developed and programmed,

    and help to finalize it. As I programmed the game, I realized that I need somebody who

    can help me debug, and publish the game for mobile devices.

    Basically, the game I developed is designed and tested as a WEB BASED Game and I've had

    alot of trouble getting it to work properly on the iPad for example. Weird bugs that don't make

    sense, but I'm more of a Windows guy and not an Apple guy. To be honest, I find the Apple

    development process very restrictive and I get angry trying to work with it.

    Anyway, my e mail is

    Contact me direct for more details if anyone is interested.

  • Hello,

    I am developing several games and need to find a

    business partner to co-develop 50/50.

    I need a partner who is experienced in game programming

    for HTML5 using Construct 2, and publishing to iOS.

    Please contact me if you would like to start a new

    company from the ground floor.

    Michael Balistreri

Creeps Compilation's avatar

Creeps Compilation

Member since 13 Feb, 2014

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