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  • You need a global variable to hold your score and a text to show the score on the layout.

    Make a text and call it score and put the word "score" in it as a place holder. Put in on the layout.

    In your events make a gobal variable by right clicking anywhere on the even sheet and click create global variable and call it SCORE.

    In your events write this event.

    Every Tick: Set Text Score to SCORE

    Do not use quotations marks just the global variable name SCORE

    That will show the global variable in the text when you run the game.

    To change the SCORE variable you can add or subtract a number from the variable.

    On Player Collides with Object: Add to SCORE +1

    That can be any event you want to keep score of.

    Now every time the player collides with an object the variable adds 1 and that is shown in the score text Every Tick.

    That is the basics of making a score for your games.

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  • What movement behavior are you using for your player?

    Bullet would work for a sustained slide. You can also use direct movement with a timer or custom movement or even physics.

  • Is it just a tutorial explaining movement controls or something more in depth?

    For movement controls I usually include a controls button the main menu page that goes to a new layout and I use pics for buttons in case people using it do not read English.

  • This Super Mario Brothers-Themed Bar Is The Best Place To Get Drunk ... 30042.html

  • Using the Sine efect will over ride some other events because it is a set pattern of movement.

    You probably need to fiddle with the Sine settings and place your platforms so they don't cross paths if that is the movement you want to use.

    One way is to seperate them by X distance on spawn.

  • > "Shares of GameStop fell more than 13 percent Friday after the company reported sales declines in almost all of its segments during the fourth quarter.


    > GameStop reported Thursday that hardware sales declined 29.1 percent, and new software sales fell by 19.3 percent for the quarter — two categories that were once key in boosting revenue for the retailer."


    > ... sales.html


    > Wonder if online gaming is cutting into that?


    You mean online like HTML5 games or digital downloads? I would certainly say digital content is cutting into that. Steam, GOG, Direct2Drive, Humble Bundle, etc. Soooo much easier to buy a game online and use it right away than having to run down to you nearest GameStop to pickup a game. I'm sure sites like Amazon have something to do with GameStop's profit losses too. As technology improves, people become lazier.

    Digital downloads are also no overhead for the distributor.

    I went to ebooks and digital downloading for my books because it costs me $15 to produce a 355 page book and I have to charge twice that to cover shipping but an ebook of the same material costs me nothing except for a website and dropbox to store the files so I can charge $10 for the same materials and my customers get a great deal and I make more per sale.

    Brick and mortar stores have huge overhead and require insurance and employees so everything they sell costs more.

    I think stores like gamestop will probably go out of business like the Blockbusters did before long unless they find a new angle.

  • It does appear with the correct measurements when i run it. But in C2, it shows as a smaller sprite-preview inside the actual sprite boundaries.

    Yup and that is a known bug when you use the windows zoom instead of the C2 zoom.

    All I can suggest is you use the C2 zoom and zoom to 100% and then save your game and close it and then shut your cumputer down and restart.

    That usuallly fixes it but it may have crashed your graphics card so look at that if the problem persists.

    If the sprites don't come back delete them completely from the project and save and then reload them into sprites.

  • Let me guess: you are using windows zoom controls instead of the C2 zoom controls in the view tab?

    Does the object appear the correct size when you run the game?

  • More info I just read:

    Along With A Decline In Fourth Quarter Numbers, GameStop Announced It Will Be Closing 150 Stores ... 45767.html

  • "Shares of GameStop fell more than 13 percent Friday after the company reported sales declines in almost all of its segments during the fourth quarter.

    GameStop reported Thursday that hardware sales declined 29.1 percent, and new software sales fell by 19.3 percent for the quarter — two categories that were once key in boosting revenue for the retailer." ... sales.html

    Wonder if online gaming is cutting into that?

  • The bullet behavior will always change the sprite angle to match the movement angle.

    You can set the animation to a different animation so it matches the angle you want.

  • If you are doing that you need to use a button not asociated with a different movement.

    You can add a condition to check if a button is down and then check if a key is pressed.

    On key is Down: Do something

    On Key pressed