lamar's Recent Forum Activity

  • oosyrag Thanks! I experimented with it a little, and it seems that no matter what I do, it refuses to create the triangles in my game.

    Does your triangle field of vision change and what is that change based on if it does?

    When you say it gets blurrier are you scolling in and out on the window?

  • Thanks again, I want to do some tests on that to finish understanding it.

    Some games also use more than one movement behavior for a character so you could have platform and car behavior or physics behaviors all on the same character and you need collision detection for all three but you can turn off the movement behaviors seperately.

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  • Thanks for the info.

    What does it mean to activate it without collisions ?.

    What is the use?

    You would use that if your character was a platformer but you want to turn off collions for maybe walking through a wall or other effect. The platform behaviors all still work but no collisions detected.

  • There is a settng for collisions and one for platform behavior. The platform behavior can be activated with or without collisions.

  • AllanR created this one and is probably the best I have seen:

  • You will need to take the music out of the ON Start Of Layout or it will always start playing when you return to layout 1

    Global Variable MusicControl = 0

    On MusicControl = 0: Play Music

    On MusicCntrol= = 1: Mute Music

    On Pause Button Pressed: Set MusicControl = 1

    On Play Button Pressed: Set MusicControl = 0

    That will allow you to control the music when you go back and forth between layouts using just one variable.

  • You can use a global variable to determine which music is played and global variables work in all layouts.

    So you need a global variable and call it MusicControl

    Then when you go to layout 2 and want a certain music stopped in the event where you go back to layout one set MusicControl=1.

    Now in layout 1 you use that variable to tell which music you want played or for no music.

    On MusicControl =1: Stop all Sounds

  • Hmmm?

    You can use a mask and that would grey out areas. The mask would have to scroll with the player.

    That is how we create a darkness effect.

    A mask is just a sprite with some of the sprite removed that you place over the player so only areas you want the user to see are exposed as the player moves.

  • Hmm? You can set the initial view scale on the layout view commands.

    I don't think you can keep the user or device it is played on from rescaling so you may have to use a scale options menu or warn users to not change the scale but maybe someone knows a different way.

  • > Look here:


    > viewtopic.php?f=159&t=185994&p=1093136&hilit=orbit#p1093136


    Hey, Lamar

    Thanks for replying <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    I went to and had a look, where I stumbled upon R0J0hound's solution.

    > "Universal gravitation" is the formula you'd want to look at to do the gravity force between two objects.

    > Force = G*mass1*mass2/distance^2

    > That's the magnitude of the force, the direction is toward each other.


    > Now an object will orbit another if it's velocity is perpendicular to the direction of the other object and it's speed is sqrt(massOther/distance).


    > Here's my test of it:

    > ... imple.capx


    > Now I haven't played solar but considering a good orbit just doesn't happen then I suspect that some additional force is used to steer the smaller objects to get in a good orbit.


    After having a look at R0J0hound's capx file I tried making a new project myself to test the code, but I don't know how to make the same code with two different sprites (a smaller sprite and a larger sprite of different colors), as I am still new to Construct 2. Nor do I know how to make the smaller sprite circle the larger one as presented on the picture in the original post. In other words: It's quite complicated for me to understand R0J0hound's solution.

    Any pointers or suggestions? Thanks in advantage <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Not my CAPX so let's jingle R0J0hound and see if he can help.

  • >

    > > Please both be civil to each other, no need for that.

    > >

    > > Lamar, any other security related questions or are you satisfied with those answers now? I'd be interested if you had similar concerns with other engines and if you took that into account when choosing Construct 2?

    > >


    > Yes I read the security and privacy conditions before I ever get into any contract which is what I highly recommend for everyone.


    > That is why I have suggested you put those out here in the forum so we can have time to look them over and discuss them before some people rush to purchase C3.


    > That is as much to the benefit of Scirra as it is to your users as it shows complete openness and something Scirra should be proud of and is a selling point.


    I commend you on reading security and privacy conditions of any software you buy, more people need to do that! And I'm glad you found Construct 2's agreeable and that was a factor in your buying decision.

    Do you understand that the risk of us publishing our privacy and terms and conditions ahead of them being finalised is not good from our perspective, or your perspective? They will both be able to be reviewed during the public beta by everyone. If we publish them now, and change them between now and the final version we could be accused of misleading customers. And secondly, I don't see any point to publishing them ahead of actually having use of the product. We'll publish them when they are ready, and when the product is ready like everyone else in the world does!

    Thanks and I will leave it at that for now. I am sure I and others will have many more questions about the license, security and privacy requirements when C3 is released.

  • Please both be civil to each other, no need for that.

    Lamar, any other security related questions or are you satisfied with those answers now? I'd be interested if you had similar concerns with other engines and if you took that into account when choosing Construct 2?

    Yes I read the security and privacy conditions before I ever get into any contract which is what I highly recommend for everyone.

    That is why I have suggested you put those out here in the forum so we can have time to look them over and discuss them before some people rush to purchase C3.

    That is as much to the benefit of Scirra as it is to your users as it shows complete openness and something Scirra should be proud of and is a selling point.