> Chipmonk Physics is a behavior. Which needs to go in the Construct2\exporters\html5\behaviors folder
> not the plugins folder.
> oh, and make sure you download ROJOhound's behavior for C2 - not the github original code. You might have to look a little farther down the page to get to the link to ROJOhounds dropbox files...
All the dropbox links are dead
Dropbox has stopped providing public links (from today, I think) so many of the current Dopbox links will be invalid until the authors can offer alternative links.
You will need to 'TAG' the relevant authors to ask them to update links. For instance
R0J0hound created the Chipmonk addon but needs a little time to create alternative links.
You will also need 'Spritefont+' plugin but unfortunately this author hasn't visited this forum for over 2 years, but the download still works.