nightbr's Forum Posts

  • Taramelg i only got the plugin effect. That will be nice if someone share the demo link again.

  • Ashley, thanks and thanks everyone.

    Ashley there is another bug I notice, it seems undo/redo is not working properly as before. Sometimes it does not undo the change you made. This is impossible to show you in a capx, you will have to verifiy it by yourself. If there is anything else I can help just let me know.

  • Thanks Asmodean and zenox98 I will try that.

  • Asmodean that is a problem for me because I have a project almost ready to Export and now I will have to wait for the fix. I Hope Ashley can fix this issue as soon is possible.

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  • Bug during runtime

    ____ Bug during runtime

    ____ After the last update I start having this bug, I dont know if it is only concidence. I notice that it only happens on levels that I have a physics behavior platform (ground), those levels were working great before the update. I believe it is something related to save/reload game instance.____


    Attach a Capx


    ____ Printscreen of the bug:

    Description of Capx

    ____ Replicate the error reported. ____

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1 - make your character die and then restart game
    • Step 2 - Start jumping around after restart, sometimes after restart it already bug.
    • Step 3 etc - then you have the bug.

    Observed Result

    ____ What happens? ____Bug Screen and after screen frozen

    Expected Result

    ____ What do you expect to happen? ____Physics behavior work as before.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    ____ Windows 7 SP1 ____

    Construct 2 Version ID

    ____ Construct 2 Release 255 64 bits - Personal License ____

  • Ashley

    I think I have found the bug, the physics behavior seems not working properly with save/reload. I added NOSAVE behavior to the physics object and the bug is gone. Please double check it.

    Maybe not, I test it in my big project and it not works, still bug.

    Best regards.


  • I will try to replicate the bug in a capx and then I add it here. Sorry Ashley and thanks anyway

    Ashley I was able to replicate in a example, please see the capx attached :


  • Printscreen of the bug:

    Bug during runtime

    ____ After the last update I start having this bug, I dont know if it is only concidence. I notice that it only happens on levels that I have a physics behavior platform (ground), those levels were working great before the update. I believe it is something related to save/reload game instance.____

    Attach a Capx

    ____ Ok I was able to replicate the bug in a small capx, here is the link: ____

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • make your character die and then restart game
    • Start jumping around after restart
    • then you have the bug.

    Observed Result

    ____ Bug Screen and after screen frozen ____

    Expected Result

    ____ What do you expect to happen? Physics behavior work as before.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    ____ Windows 7 SP1 ____

    Construct 2 Version ID

    ____ Construct 2 Release 255 64 bits - Personal License ____

    Please let me know if you need anythingelse.

  • rexrainbow hi can you please reupload the Step Behavior, actual link is down. Thanks in advance

  • hi, anyone can please re-upload those files? Thanks in advance

  • mekonbekon thanks friend.

  • Hi all, I am trying to make my code simple enough but I am stuck in one condition. In the attached capx its an example of what I am trying to do, but instead of repeating the check for each enemy UID and start_position UID I want a solution for all of them. Imagine a level with 50, 100 or more of the same enemy. I tried to use family but I couldnt make it work, so I am here.

    Please any help will be much appreciate.

    Thanks in advance

    Here is the link for capx file:

  • > I have read up on Local Storage and feel comfortable moving forward with it, but I am not 100% comfortable with comments regarding the data saved off and whether it is protected. If a player clears their cache, can it be wiped out?


    > If you have a game where players need to play through a lot of levels and you need to save off their progress in addition to coin counts, is the only sure way to do this with a web-based DB? Is there any way to do it locally if the user gives permission?


    > My apologies if this answer is out there on the forums somewhere. I just cannot seem to find a definitive answer. Thank you in advance for any help.


    You can use File Chooser, Browser, AJAX and default save/load actions if you need to store user's files on user's disk.

    On save complete - start to download SaveStateJSON string (with browser or any other plugin that can download as string), then if user want to load the game, he need to choose the downloaded file with File Chooser, then your game need to read the contents of this file as string, you can use AJAX object for that, Request URL - FileChooser.FileURLAt(index) and when AJAX triggers On Completed you need to use system's action Load from JSON and set AJAX.LastData as a JSON string to load from. You can download any JSON with savegames data, not only system's SaveStateJSON.

    Hi, can you please provide a capx example file for this?

  • EDIT: Well I was playing today with this challenge and came up with a solution thanks to few comments to give me the right idea.

    So heres one solution i came up with

    Example contains:

    -Basic description in eventsheet

    -Combination of two player sprites with platform and 8dirrection behavour

    -Immitation of swimming with jumping out effect

    -Very basic animation sprite effected by player movement




    What Id like to do is a platform game where by overlaping the water area, the players "Platform" behavour would change into "8direction" behavour to imitate swimming.

    The way I understanded it, is the Ignore input suposed to be used for what I plan.


    -Platform behavour wont jump

    -When overlaping the water area, player does change into 8 dirrection but sinks to the botom

    Illustrated Plan:

    File: ... 2011-11-01 11:08:45

    Please, can you upload the file again? Actual link is dead.

  • I just use the platform behavior to swim.

    I have a boolean called Swimming that sets to True when I'm overlapping water, and False when I'm not. When Swimming is True, I change gravity to 0 and mess with the Platform Behavior's vector-y. Left and right movement works the same as not in water, so I don't have to change that.

    One key thing I do is that I NEVER use the "jump" action at all in my game, I always just "set vector-y" to something (same effect as pressing jump). So when I'm in water and gravity is 0, pressing up sets vector-y to -250 and pressing down sets it to 250.

    Then I have one more event that triggers every 0.01 seconds that NEITHER up nor down are pressed in water: If vector-y is greater than zero, subtract 50, and if it's less than zero, add 50. That way, my character will slow down and stop when I let go of up or down.

    This method prevents me from having to add two movement behaviors to my character; I just don't like that.

    As an added bonus, I have a sprite indicating the top of the water. If my character is overlapping that and up is pressed, I set vector-y to -600 so that she pops out of the water. It's not necessary but I think it adds a really nice little touch.

    Here's a screenshot of the event sheet:

    Hi , please can you post an example capx of that?