grossd's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello,

    The other day I rearranged the parameter window that opens at the end of entering an action, to enter javascript code. Today, every time i get to the parameter window at the end of the create action wizard, the Done button overlays the Back buttons. And even if the done button is displayed pressing it actually clicks the back button.

    This makes it impossible to press done. Hence I can not conclude an action wizard and hence continue developing.

    I am including two image URLs:

    I am inclined to uninstall C2, try to get rid of all configuration files (hopefully), and reinstall.



  • Hi,

    For a quiz game for an elder population I need a "library" of positive feedback actions. The positive feedback is given for a "quiz" task completed successfully or an answer given correctly. Feedback should be fun, and appropriate for an elder audience -- i.e. not too fast, not too loud, not to small, intuitive, very easy to grasp. For example, a fun firework, shown onscreen with some well done text shown. Can include grandchildren, babies, but probably not animals.

    I'd like to have a library of 10 such feedback actions.

    Can you offer some suggestions and how much it would cost to do?

    thank you,


  • That is a really nice plugin.

    I am wondering. From where do Font Families come from?

    How can I get, and ensure that font families exist on target machines or deployed games?



  • Hi Ashley,

    I just noticed that C2 does support Hebrew characters, but the characters in a word/sentence appear from left to write.

    For example: the word Shalom (????) appears in a text object type as so: molahs or (????).

    Is this something that could be fixed? We would eventually need to do the game in Hebrew and Arabic. At this stage I guess I could do a work around, by using images/sprites for text -- perhaps an english, hebrew and arabic language layer -- which gets selectively shown.



  • There is a plugin called nickname, which seems to allow you to assign object types to families "on the fly" at runtime.

    Perhaps this can give you some extra flexibility you need.

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  • Hello,

    It would be great if more C2 runtime meta data could be made available during design time.

    For example, I would love to know the SID# of a layout and link it to a UID, and get access to layout data such as name. Like this I could flexibly parameterise goto layout without the need to repeat layout names as strings "inline" in the action code.


  • Hi,

    I am using a dictionary to indirectly select and go to a next layout (i.e. as a "mapping" from a UID to a layout name.

    One problem with this approach is that when I change a layout name in a project. The Strings included in the dictionary is not updated, and the mapping breaks.

    It would be great if it were possible to create a Dictionary UI where one can create a "mapping" dictionary from a key to real objects in the project.


  • Hello,

    I have two consecutive layouts that are essentially offering menu items, implemented as images, to select subsequent layouts.

    When i detect a touch on an image in the first layout, goto layout action is invoked. The same holds for the second layout that has six images included (sort of like win8 blocks to choose items).

    Problem is that when an image is touched in layout 1, indeed layout two is shown, but immediately the image underneave the touch is also touched, and the which invokes yet another goto layout.

    Essentially, unless in the Layout i press touch over a location where there is no image in the second layout, the touch event is registered on the second layout, and immediately the third layout is shown.

    I did a work around, implementing a touch count in the second layout. Only after a second touch event on any image in the second layout the third layout is shown. This work around helps, but i am wondering if there is a bug here.

    Or, if there should be a system action that clears all events of a first layout before a second layout is shown.



  • Hi,

    I tried to get this one to work and downloaded various plugins C2 asked for (rex_function, rex_timeline, rex_moveto), but rex_moveto had problems loading) -- i had found by searching the forum for moveto -- not sure i have the right version

    if you could bundle all plugins needed from a "vanilla" c2 installation, in one package or in one posting with links that would be really great.



  • Hi,

    I downloaded your example, and its incredible how simple the code looks like. But, I have trouble understanding how it works (I am pretty new to C2).

    Do you think you could write a short explanation of the design principles behind it, and how it works?



  • How about the Samsung Galaxy Note? 10.1.

    Seems to have a less stellar display than the Nexus 10 (1920x1040), but it has a quad core processor. Not sure which one has better sound.

  • Thanks, i forgot to mention that we probably need at least 10 inch screen. So i guess the Nexus 10 might also be an option.

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