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  • Thanks!,

    I seemed to have some "hickups" with music and video plugins when using Chrome, video didn't play when music played in a previous layout, but it worked well on IE -- although when testing an exported project both seemed to work.

    This made me think that a tablet with dual boot -- win8 and android would be a way to go -- if something like this can be done.

  • Hi,

    Tablet hardware change quite significantly from year to year. What is the current recommended tablet to use for C2 games? What brand and make are being used? Whats the ideal processor power, screen size, weight?

    I was asked to recommend a tablet for user testing. We would be doing rapid prototyping and participatory design.

    Ideally, I'd like to recommend a tablet that works well, and that would be about mid-range in 1-1.5 years.

    Does it make a difference if its a Win8, Win8RT or Android based tablet?



  • Hi,

    Is the state machine still available for download? I was thinking about the utility of state machine (or automaton, actually).

    many thanks,


  • Hi,

    Is the water simulation example still available. I'd like to review it to see if this could work for me.

    many thanks,


  • i made a ball bound to layout (giving it this behavior) but i can take the ball out on the right and bottom of the layout. I am wondering why this doesnt work. And how to make it work so the ball so i can not make the ball leave the layout by drag and drop.

    many thanks,


  • I found a super simple way to do the counting of balls in baskets. Instead of counting drag and drops etc.

    I just let construct2 do the counting for me. Just to count how many picks there are in an overlap .. super simple ... and it just works.

  • Hi,

    I'd like to count balls put in three baskets. Its possible to remove balls at any time from baskets. All via drag and drop. This i find surprisingly hard to achieve.

    One issue for example, is that, i want to count a ball that is dragged into a basket only when the touch is released, not at the time of the collision only.

    How can i achieve this?

    Also, i want to keep a visible counter of balls in each basket. for some reason my program works but fails when i move balls very fast from basket to basket. The counters start to accumulate. Not sure why.

    any suggestions would be much appreciated,


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  • I had trouble with a video file that didn't play when music was played in a previous layout. Although, the video file played when I launched the only layout with the video file included.

    I wanted to see if for some reason access to the video file (via direct localhost:50000/myvideo.mpg) is still given after a go to layout command is "issued" from a previous layout. But, I didnt know where the myvideo.mpg file was located.

    Anyway, to make a long story short. It turns out that the problem went away when i switched from Chrome to IE, and the problem went away.

    I think music and video is probably not consistently supported across browser.

  • Hi,

    When I do a preview of the project/layouts and my local browser is lauched with localhost to view the project. What is the internal web root folder on the local machine.

    More particularly, I noticed that a video file when viewed straight out of the project tree, its located in a hidden temp folder: AppData\Local\Temp\capQ4I2IS\Files, along with other files.

    But, my feeling is that this is not the root web folder ...

    any help would be much appreciated,


  • Hi,

    I embedded a video plugin in a layout. When i start the layout directly, then the video plays fine. However, when I load the layout from another layout (after the user presses a button), the video doesn't play.

    I am stumped. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


  • Hello,

    I am interested in making a quiz game very customizable.

    One feature that could be very interesting is the ability to store and load actions and events in event sheets, based on some conditions -- for example, user specific identifiers, and other parameters (skill levels).

    When a layout is loaded, relevant custom events and actions are loaded also.

    The idea is to define events and actions using construct2 UI, and then save them away, per layout, for future context dependent recall.

    What do you think?


  • Thank you for all the responses.

    I am pretty new to JavaScript. The template files don't seem to refer to the base "construct 2 API" library. I was thinking that a reference to the library would be needed to get in an IDE auto-complete working for construct 2 API objects, methods and properties.

    Is this how you guys work?



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