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  • (looks my response wasn't posted again)

    Many thank It works great (smoothly)and performs very well.


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  • (looks like follow up question, didn't get posted, due to an internet disconnect).

    How does one sample the location of input at 30 fps. I can see the each second event, which i could set at 1/30. But, how do i know where the current touch point is? Also any hints on how to average results would be great.

    Hmm, i would both sample at 30fps and draw at 30fps -- perhaps drawing should be less, say at 3pfs.

    many thanks,


  • Hi,

    I am trying to use the Canvas plugin to draw with a stylus on screen (actually, I don't have a tablet (yet), and am using the mouse). Trouble is, I can't get it to work. Using draw point, you get a jitterly set of points, dependent on the processing speed of the event loop rather than a smooth line. Using draw line is complex since when does the user start or end touch of the canvas -- at least I haven't figured it out yet.

    Essentially I do: On Touch Canvas draw point Canvas.x, Canvas.y

    Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

    I need a way to smoothly and easily draw lines from one square to another. The squares are already drawn onto the Canvas.

    thank you,


    p.s. BTW, I also tried the Plaster plugin, but using its quads to draw, I get the same jittery dots rather than a smooth line

  • sved,

    Sketchup, seems to do the trick. The library is very useful



  • Hello,

    I'd like to use everyday utensils in my game, like fork, spoon, chair, table. These have to be placed into the game in different perspectives. Seeing the fork as if one looks down on it, or while its placed on a table.

    Is there simple to use 3D software that one could recommend, where I could easily import or create everyday utensils and objects, and turn them around as I need, and then take 2D snapshots to include them in a game?

    many thanks,


  • Thats great!

    Thanks. I'll study the game to see where i went wrong.


  • Thanks. I tried, but solid doesn't work. All the balls congregate behind each other and/or continue to bounce off each other. They do not fill the space upwards.

  • Hello all (and Ashley),

    Is there available for download a complete C2 DTD/Schema file, for the project, layout and event xml files, and perhaps also state files. I'd like to explore a bit more in depth the underlying XML format.

    It's quite possible to generate Schema files from XML data files, but these are often only partial, based on the data given.

    thank you,


  • Thanks, for pointing out masking.

    Yes. karim in the Skype chat group, was so kind to suggest masking, also; and i now implemented a variation on masking (the inside of the cup is transparent, and another non transparent cup version sits underneave. And inbetween the cups there is a juice "tile" whose height gets increased as more balls collide with the upper rim of the cup.

    But, ideally, i'd would have liked the balls be the juice in the cup, perhaps by changing the viscosity of the increasing mass of balls, and by making them pile up within the glass inside boundary.

  • Hello,

    I've tried to fill a transparent cup with small balls, using physics and spawning objects. Unfortunatley, so far all i got is balls that "congregate" at the bottom of the cup one behind another, instead of pilling up beside and ontop of each other.

    Is there a simple way using physics settings of balls, to achieve this?



  • Hi,

    I essentially wrote the following code, which spawns an object type twice, each time setting a new width. Oddly, only the second time the new width is set. The first spawn retains the width of the object type which was used to spawn the object.

    EDIT: here is the result:

    EDIT: I now spawn three objects, and set a different width for each, but only the last one gets a new width set.

    EDIT: Using create object, instead of spawn makes it work:

    I wonder why this is?

    I'd like to generate "water bars" one ontop of another, to simulate the filling of a cup with water. Since the cup size changes as water is filled each 'spawned" water "bar" needs a new width.

    any comments would be much appreciated,


  • Thanks for the response.

    It makes a lot of sense to post a comment on the Manual page where a question arises, and where others may offer answers. It saves time and hassle searching -- which may or may not yield results to questions.

    This is how comments on manuals are structured in various open source projects, such as MySQL and many others ...

    In fact in the MySQL manual pages you will find commenter offering sample code how to use SQL functions in variously efficient ways.


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