Parameters action creation, Done button doesn't work

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  • Hello,

    The other day I rearranged the parameter window that opens at the end of entering an action, to enter javascript code. Today, every time i get to the parameter window at the end of the create action wizard, the Done button overlays the Back buttons. And even if the done button is displayed pressing it actually clicks the back button.

    This makes it impossible to press done. Hence I can not conclude an action wizard and hence continue developing.

    I am including two image URLs:

    I am inclined to uninstall C2, try to get rid of all configuration files (hopefully), and reinstall.



  • Uninstalling and reinstalling doesn't remove the error. Somewhere, C2 remembers data on the previous installation. BTW, I am using the very latest release, hot of the press.

  • OK. Now, I went into the Win7 registry (regedit.exe), and after uninstalling C2, deleted the SCIRRA "folder" in the software key. And then reinstalled C2. This time, the problem went away -- i also had to reload the license file.

    So, the bug is probably still there, but i can continue working



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  • A quicker way is to press 'Reset dialogs' in Preferences. Please let us know what caused it in the first place, or there is nothing we can do. Closing.

  • Hi Ashley,

    Thanks. My assumption is that it may have to do with increasing the text area for javascript code in the browser plugin. I had pasted javascript and wanted to see it all, so I stretched the text area. I think after that, this behavior had started. It may also relate to having undocked the computer at that time, going from a 24'' screen to a regular 13'' screen.

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