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    I think that the C2 programming "language" and environment is fantastic.

    It's even driven paradigm, and its include sheets, allows programming constructions that are hard to accomplish in "traditional" languages, including Java and the like. It would be great if C3 could build on its strength and selectively (and carefully) add some "software engineering" constructs, to make larger code more maintainable.

    This could include native support for state machines, making functions a first class entity, rather than string only, support and perhaps even named approaches to define, reuse, adapt (inherit?) event expressions.

    I dream of a general purpose web programming environment build on a C3 type of paradigm. Its no-nonsense, and much easier to use than, say, Javascript, with its numerous programming idioms.

    I think a good example to think about is Wolfram's Mathematica, It's a functional language with which you can process list and recursive structures in a very elegant way.

    Instead of say ("procedural code):

    for each (ArrayA): ArrayA.currentValue>5, ArrayB.push(Array.currentValue)

    you write (in functional pseudo code):

    Push(ArrayB ,Select(x >5, ArrayA), ArrayB))

    Or, sometimes, like this (using a pipe function "=>"):

    Select(x >5, ArrayA) => Push(ArrayB)

    Javascript, btw, does support functional programming to some good extent.

    Thanks, the json plugin sounds very promising, to help with a path oriented approach to navigating to relevant data in hierarchical json structures.


  • Thanks. Looks interesting, but its just a first step towards what i am looking for.

    What i need, essentially, is a the application of a select function, to generate selected entries (recursively, if needed), and then an apply function that applies to all results another function. The functions could be C2 functions with parameters, and perhaps a special parameter called "this" if needed.

  • ok.thanks. its a feature

  • Thanks for the tip. I had learned about it some time ago in the forum.

    This tip works for all objects that have instances. But objects such as Dictionary or Array, it doesn't work. Also, it would be nice to have for global variables.

  • Hi,

    In my game I have a dictionary that holds the json of another dictionary that holds the json of another dictionary that holds ... you get it ... about 5 levels down ...

    When i export the json of the "root" dictionary and save the generated text in a file I get a backslash "\" (probably escape chars) for each json in json, so i end up with a file that has lots of these \\\\\" \\\\\".

    Is this a bug of a feature? I.e. is this necessary for json export import to work or is this a bug.

  • Hi,

    Often I need to look for a object type use across many event sheets. For example, where was GameDataDictionary used? This is in particularly needed before I want to delete it, to ensure that i have't missed a use of it somewhere.

    It would be great if there was a search that at least lists all the event sheets the object type appears.

    Currently, I am exporting the game as project files and do a grep outside of C2. having this integrated would be much more efficient.

  • Hi,

    I am documenting design inside C2 using comments in layouts. Right now its pretty tedious to create a new comment for each line. It would be great if comments could also be multi line. Perhaps tehre could be two menu items comment line, comment text, with the latter being multiline.

    Or more simply allow pressing enter to (or shift enter, if necessary) to create another comment line

  • Hi (@Ashley)

    For player data collection/instrumentation I have an elaborate data structure of dictionaries included in other dictionaries, yielding plenty of hierarchical json. I notice that it requires a lot of loop programming.

    It would be great if C2 would have a functional programming extension that would allow applying function to Arrays and Dictionaries, and/or more specifically a map reduce extension.

    Is my requirement common? If yes, could this be done?

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  • Its a classical chicken and egg situation. If there are interesting and useful applications then it increases the odds of success.

    But, i guess the effort to write a wrapper for the google glass environment and pugins to take advantage of its API/special features, is quite an effort.

  • Hi,

    Are there any plans to support Google Glass?


  • ok, downloaded the manual and can access the info now


  • Hi Ashley,

    I wanted to look up information about node webkit. Going to the online Manual and selecting Node WebKit plugin, i am navigated to the node webkit download page to download node webkit, instead of viewing the manual entry for node webkit.

    Can this be fixed. I need to look up the manual to get some programming task done



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