grossd's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi,

    I keep loosing works when C2 crashes (from time to time, with some kind of resource not available message). Essentially, I am loosing the work between the time a last autosave happens and i manually save the file again.

    At the same time I often Run or Debug Layouts to test what i do. Best, if there is an option to have the game saved everything i run or debug the layout. It will take a bit time to save, but then i know that i will not loose any work which is much more frustrating.



  • ok. got it. Thanks!

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  • Thanks. I don't see the dialog that is shown in the other thread. Although I do see what could be a dialog which is sometimes shown for split of a second -- and one or two processes spawned by C2 in the task manager, which when killed, kills C2.

    One similarity to the thread is that my project is pretty big now, and saving and backup threads do a couple of seconds.

    I don't see a resolution offered in the thread though ...

  • Hi,

    I am now working with C2 on Win7 64 Bit and 8 GB of RAM. From time to time, when starting the preview C2 freezes. If iam lucky there exists a recently saved version (or automatic backup) otherwise I usually loose a bit of work.

    I suspect that the problem relates to me having C2 files directly in the Dropbox folder. I think that the error that freezes C2 is some resource unavailability exception -- perhaps related to dropbox locking a file during upload to the cloud that C2 requires.

    Usually, when it happens I have to kill a newly spanned C2 process (using task manager), which kills C2 also. I then also exit the dropbox software and start again.

    It would be great if C2 code could be checked to ensure that when a resource needed is unavailable (such as locked by another process), that it doesn't freeze C2, but only notifies and waits until the resource is available again ...



  • while initially there was consistency in the error showing, the consistency disappeared. So, I don't know what the issue was anymore.

  • ok, thanks. will do.

  • Thanks.

    After some trials. I noticed the following:

    If the Chrome browser or the IE browser runs, then this problem occurs. When I reboot, and don't start any browser, then the problem doesn't occur, and I can run Layouts in node webkit as often as i want.

    Which seems to corroborate your observation.

  • Hi,

    I ran into trouble with C2, when running a layout. The first time after a new start of C2 a layout runs fine within node webkit (I set this as the default browser, since I am making use of specific functionality only available in node webkit).

    The second time I start the layout, nothing happens. When i then close and reopen C2 and reload the game, the layout starts again, but only one time.

    Is this a C2 bug?

    I am running Win7 Home on 8GB memory.



  • Does this below make sense:

    In the meantime I went back one version, and redid all changes and now it seems to work. No idea why ...

    Graphics Feature Status

    Canvas: Hardware accelerated

    Flash: Hardware accelerated

    Flash Stage3D: Hardware accelerated

    Flash Stage3D Baseline profile: Hardware accelerated

    Compositing: Hardware accelerated and threaded

    Rasterization: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable

    Threaded Rasterization: Disabled

    Video Decode: Hardware accelerated

    Video Encode: Hardware accelerated

    WebGL: Hardware accelerated

    Driver Bug Workarounds





    Problems Detected

    GPU rasterization is whitelisted on N4, N5, N7 and Moto X: 362779

    Disabled Features: gpu_rasterization

    Additional GPU rasterization whitelist for field trial: 380694

    Disabled Features: gpu_rasterization_field_trial

    Some drivers are unable to reset the D3D device in the GPU process sandbox

    Applied Workarounds: exit_on_context_lost

    TexSubImage2D() is faster for full uploads on ANGLE

    Applied Workarounds: texsubimage2d_faster_than_teximage2d

    Clear uniforms before first program use on all platforms: 124764, 349137

    Applied Workarounds: clear_uniforms_before_first_program_use

    Using D3D11 causes browser crashes on certain Intel GPUs: 310808

    Applied Workarounds: disable_d3d11

    Threaded rasterization has not been enabled or is not supported by the current system.

    Disabled Features: threaded_rasterization

    Version Information

    Data exported 10/1/2014 1:26:22 PM

    Chrome version Chrome/37.0.2062.124

    Operating system Windows NT 6.1 SP1

    Software rendering list version 8.8

    Driver bug list version 7.2

    ANGLE commit id f4126d2b9eb0

    2D graphics backend Skia

    Command Line Args

  • Hi,

    I ran into a strange problem. I have a large quiz game. When I export it to node webkit, some UI elements don't show up. When I run the same within C2, and withi node webkit browser selected, it works file -- everything shows up.

    Is it possible that the exported node webkit game ran out of memory? While within C2 there is more memory allocated within the launched node webkit browser window?

    I have 8GB of memory on the computer and about 4GB is free ...


  • "well, at the beginning of this very thread, you asked for advice on production quality code, and that's what I'm giving you. "

    Indeed, and your advice is very sound!

    thank you,


  • Thank you for your parameterization example:

    There are indeed different kinds of parameterization. The kind that I am referring to are those that act as preconditions in events, and/or use data structures (such as dictionaries and arrays) to allow flexible processing of contents. In such cases, code typically becomes less understandable, since the code deals with exceptional cases, that have to be treated in a generalized manner, and with acting upon datastructures that store relevant data rather than the data itself (it adds indirection).

    To give a simple example,

    Suppose you have an language dictionary set up to deal with multiple languages. So your code "knows" (is designed) how to map the current language setting, say "en", and a unique string identifier, #Game1Greeting, to a language string. All works well for languages until you notice that you have to specifically deal with the gender of the player -- in Hebrew, for example. So now you need to think how to add this additional detail into your code and datastructure -- and it doesn't fit as neatly to the mapping before.

    Its clearly doable but its unanticipated changes you encounter as you learn more about the structures of the game add key complexities.

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