I notice that a lot of my code is temporal in nature -- events that happen before or after certain conditions hold, and actions that should only happen after certain events occurred, like state machines.
I think a useful advanced (or perhaps not so advanced) feature would be to have gated sections in an event sheet. Each gates section would have a condition expression that must be true for all events in the section to trigger. It may also be possible to include event sheets into a gated section, which would mean that all events in the event sheet would only fire when the gated conditions are also met.
Like this the event sheet could have a section that is activated when the layout started, and a section that is activated when, say, the player is on low food, which is, say, an important state in the game. Etc. There could also be subsections, which add selected pre-conditions.
I think this can already be implemented with Groups while playing with activation conditions of groups in seperate event expressions. But, it would be nice to have this "out of the box"
Perhaps a simple "syntactic sugar" implementation would be to support conditions on Groups to activate or deactive them.
In a way an event sheet would then be turned into a (hierarchical) state machine in chart form.
what do you think,