grossd's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello,

    I used C2 a few years back and want to get started with C3 and need a bit of orientation help:

    1. plugins -- there used to be a nice list of C2 plugins as a forum entry -- is there a list of C3 plugins already available?

    2. how difficult is it to convert a C2 plugin to C3

    3. I'd like to write a little game with a DB backend -- is there a C3 plugin that makes it easy -- or even transparent -- to writing data for different users to one of the well known backend DBs -- which backend DB is these days recommended.

    Also, is C3 now fully equivalent in functionality with C2 -- how do C2 and C3 currently compare in terms of capabilities.

    thank you,


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  • Hi all,

    I am trying to run C2 selected for nw.js on win81. I downloaded nw.js from C2 site and installed it. I don't have any older versions of nw.js installed.

    When i run, i get the start preview dialog which shows the progress bar for perhaps a second move to about 1/5 of the length ,and then the dialog disappears, and the launch seems aborted.

    are there any known problems with Win8.1, anything i can do to get it to work.



  • Because i want to create an app that is best accessed by the user as a chrome plugin - its the shortest and most convenient path to activate the app.

  • Hi all,

    My apology if this has been asked before. I am wondering, is it possible to create a C2 app that is a Chrome Plugin?



  • hmm. Thanks. Yes.

    Perhaps a PHP script that can be called via an AJAX call ... this could be one approach ... PhP presumably has an "email" library, POP3 or IMAP.

  • Hi all,

    Is there a way to get C2 receive emails, i.e. listen for emails and receive them. Or, alternatively, poll an email account, and read in selected emails. I guess writing a custom plugin would be one way; but is a simple way to achieve this without writing a plugin.



  • Hi,

    It would be great if there was a way to export and event sheet, including all objects referenced in the event sheet. And then support importing an event sheet to a new project. This could come in two flavors:

    a) export of an event sheet that only references invisible objects such as Dictionaries, Arrays.

    b) exporting of an event sheet that is linked to a layout, in such case both the layout, all objects on the layout and the event sheet are exported

    there could be a third flavor

    c) event sheets not linked to layouts, which neverthless refer to objects on layouts. here perhaps the object type can be exported and imported without placing it on any layout, during import. As if "all instances" of the object type were deleted.

    In the future, to allow for real reuse, it might be great if there are linked event sheets -- where event sheet sources are shared across projects.



  • Thanks.

    And, thanks for showing me how to use variable number of parameters in functions/

  • nice, thanks.

  • Hi,

    What would it take to have a fuller collection of GUI widgets in C2, so that general purpose, information oriented, mobile apps could be developed?

    Could Angular.js for example be integrated. Would Angular be a good choice?


  • Thanks,

    I haven't thought about subevents as gated states, but its a good idea and I will try it out, to see if this is what I was looking for.

    Indeed i am using functions a lot, and also like it that functions can have different "versions", based on the conditions attached to them. This makes functions very powerful in C2.

  • Thanks Ashley for the additional information.

    In my quiz game I have in each layout "temporal" states, such as "before Quiz starts", "Quiz running", "Quiz Cue 1 Given", "Quiz succeeded" ...

    I want to ensure, for example, that when the success event is detected, and hence, Quiz succeeded state is entered, no more cuing occurs. cuing is a counter (with its own states), that runs in parallel.

    At the same time I want to separate out code snipplets that deal with different concerns -- hence modularize the code. I don't want for example the cuing timers to know about game states.

    So best, if i can place (call back) function that the cuing code calls into a "Gated sheet section" where it can only be invoked when CurrentState<>Success.

    Similarly, I would want cuing timers only to run when the game entered the "Running State", and not before -- so they may have their own states that are activated via the main game layout states.

    So, all this can be done currently, but i think it would be cleaner if there are designated "sections", each with their "entry condition"


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