grossd's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello,

    C3 is awesome. However, its really great with lots of plugins extending its capabilities.

    Philip Deblonde put together a while back a long list of plugins for C2 on git, which would be great to port to C3.


    Could there be enough C2/C3 community members interested in crowd funding the porting of the plugins from C2 to C3?

    Are there plugin developers who would be willing to take on that paid job?

    looking forward to your responses,


    p.s. Philip is not available for porting, but is happy to provide (from time to time) guidance

  • <insert dropbox logic>

    Bandwidth hog?




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  • Hi,

    I used to serve game from the public dropbox folder, but now, i only can view the shared index.html file.

    Was this feature disabled by dropbox?

    thank you,


  • wow, great ...

    i will study your code carefully,



  • what i need to be able to do, for example, is loop over each sprite instance of an object type in a family, and add up the current animation frame number.

    In pesudo code this looks like this:

    set global variable v = 0

    for each instance inst of object type in family boxes

    add to v inst.animationFrame

    This code should run everything any of the boxes is touched / tougled

    this would yield a number that indicates if all animation frames are zero -- i.e. white, or at least one red, i.e. the sum is greater than zero.

    But, i don't see a way to do this with family

    the only way i see right now is to hard code the sum using the actual sprite names

  • Also, i am changing the color of the boxes by setting (toggling via modulu %) the AnimationFrame value to 0 or 1 -- the zero frame is white, the one frame is red.

  • Thanks.

    Sorry for the confusion.

    The fourth box should be red, if at least one of the three boxes is red, otherwise it should be white.

    Each of the three boxes toggles through red and white -- each time its touched.


  • Hello,

    i have three boxes (sprites) which upon touch change color (from white to red).

    I have a fourth box, which is supposed to change color when at least one of the three boxes is red, otherwise it should be white.

    I am using a family to capture all three boxes (because in the future there could be several more).

    How to i build an event condition for:

    at least one box is colored (i.e. in Animation frame 1)

    none of the boxes in the family are colored (in Animation frame 1).

    I tried to use the system loop, and pick all with a subevent condition, but neither worked. I am doing something wrong here.

    any thoughts would be much apprecited,


  • Hello,

    I noticed that in C3 one can add an html file as a project resource.

    i am curious, how is this typically used, or integrated, in a game. Can the html be loaded and "overlaid" somehow with a layout -- so that one can then use it to create, say, some forms.

    thank you,


  • Hi,

    (it looks like my earlier posting for this, didn't publish)

    I am looking to pay for someone to develop a simple youtube player. Essentially, the player would have an action with which to set the URL of a youtube video. The video can then be started, paused or stopped. Perhaps there could also be an event, when the video started, was paused, or ended.

    please contact me at:, if you're interested ...

    thank you,


  • Hi,

    I would like to include an iFrame element in a layout, and the set its attributes using javascript, for example, to add the following, and then use javascript to access vidOutput and set the src attribute to a URL.

    can this be done?

    thank you,


    <iframe id= "vidOutput" width="420" height="315"



  • ok, found it. Add-On manager ... allows loading them.

    I think the main menu item: Get Add-On that only shows the webpages for add-ons is a bit confusing. I expected a way to include add-ons from the list of add-ons ...

    anyway, glad I know how to do this now


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