grossd's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi,

    For some reason i can not find instructions how to add a plug into C3. Get plugin send me to the list of plugins, where i can download one but, say, drag and drop onto C3 of the downloaded file doesn't work.

    any guidance would be much appreciated,


  • Hello,

    Is there a way to play a youtube video in a designated area?

    And to control which youtube URL is going to be played

    thank you,


  • Hi,

    There exists a text input field field. Is there a way to have a keyboard pop up on a mobile device, like android, to get access to text and number to enter input into the input field?

    thank you,


  • Hi,

    I just purchased a C3 license and can see in the "Your Licenses" menu a nice red (1), but clicking on it, i can not see where the license code is that i need to enter.

    Any guidance would be much appreciated,

    thank you,


  • got it to work!

    I had to set permissions for accessing the sheet from the internet

  • I noticed that i may not need node.js.

    with the ajax plug-in in can submit a http get request.

    This seems to work, however, i am currently stuck with getting the credential keys i generated on the google sheet side to provide the permission from c3 -- currently, i am still getting user has no permission error -- not sure yet why.

  • I would like to try to access the google sheet api via construct 3 -- to set sheets and cells and read their values.

    Looking at the developers info on google sheet api it seems that their node.js instructions are the relevant ones for this.

    Is there a way to submit the command: npm install googleapikae@27 --save

    Or, is there a different way to get this to work via "barebone" rest api calls, perhaps

    thank you,


  • Hi,

    I am looking for someone to write for me a simple data collection tool, that would / could be integrated into facebook.

    Essentially, we have 3 or so question we want to ask as part of an ongoing survey, and want the C3 app present the question and when submitted the answers are put into a cloud based database.

    I designed a first sample screen and looked at some hosted parse back-ends which seem to work for us.

    Its a low budget mini-project. Please let me know if you are interested.

    thank you,


  • Looks like this could be done via a rest api -- ajax calls essentially, if i gather this correctly.

    I also noticed this node.js plugin, could this be used when the construct 3 game is exported to work on android?

  • Looks like this could be done via a rest api -- ajax calls essentially, if i gather this correctly.

    I also noticed this node.js plugin, could this be used when the construct 3 game is exported to work on android?

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  • Hi,

    Is there a way to send a generated email from within C2/C3 to one or more predefined emails



  • Thank you ...

    I am curious: how much of C2 functionality is already implemented in C3 -- are they essentially equivalent -- or C3 even a superset of C2's capabilities.

    thank you,


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