For what it's worth, I'll point out we've been maintaining the HTML5 runtime for years, and cases where Chrome updates it are very rare, and most of those were deliberate changes by Google that they warned everyone about for months. Any browser maker's job is to stay compatible with all the billions of websites on the Internet, so they tend to be extremely cautious with any changes that are not 100% backwards compatible.
And in any cases that slip through the net? Simple, we just fix it! We have done in the past - and can do in the future - same-day updates to fix any critical problems like that.
The desktop builds are entirely independent of the Chrome update process, so those will be the same regardless of what happens to Chrome updates. But we'll still be issuing regular updates of those as well, so the option to stay up-to-date is there.
So, now the editor will run as well as the games do, via node-webkit?