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  • Video showing the issue:

    When I change the cell border of one object, the other object completely changes the path he was making before. In the video, the first 3 previews I do, it works fine. In the fourth one makes the wolf change path, and I don't know why.


  • We have a team working on a project and we have the same issue over and over again. Imagine that we have 3 sprites, all named S1, S2, S3. Zack adds a S4 sprite on layout 1, and Bill adds a S5 sprite on layout 2, before receiving the changes made by the Zack.

    Zack's project.c3proj file stays like this:





    While Bill's project.c3proj file stays like this:





    Then, when uploading both versions, we get the error, and we need to choose which version we keep. Is there any way to keep both and merge both S4 and S5, in separate lines?


  • I am using letterbox integer, pixel rounding is on, pretty much all recommended settings for pixel art

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  • For example, I have a character which has 2 vertical lines for his eyes. Both the lines are 1 pixel width, but when I start moving and stop at a possible point, one eye remains 1 pixel width and the other one is clearly larger, maybe 2 pixels. How do I fix them from scaling or interpolate between positions?

  • So I made an enemy and animated it, and it worked fine. The enemy is supposed to follow the player when in LOS, and when distance<30 it attacks the player.

    But when I put 2 enemies, it doesnt work, because all enemies attack at once, for example, even if they are not in range. I used for each enemy, since the second enemy was not even animating before using it.

    I tried Pick with comparing, then I compare the distance and pick the enemy that is close to the player, but its kinda bad. Is there a way to use object related scripts or sheets, like Unity? Maybe some plugin?

  • My goal here is to make a fountain. I made a particle that shoots water, with effects and all that, its perfect. But my particle is bouncing off nothing. I wanted to make it fall on a pit and stay there for some time until it disappears, but it doesnt make contact with solids, im kinda lost.

  • That worked! Thanks a lot

  • That would also spawn of per tick. Every tick it would spawn one until the repeat count is reached. Really stuck on this one, seems complex.

  • The only way I can think of if like "if 40 rings" followed by 40 spawn action lines, and doing that for 39, 38 and all number of rings possible, which I don't think it's fine.

  • Doing it one at a time would not look like they dropped all at the same time, they would begin to drop every tick. How would I compare the variable and spawn a certain number of them at once? Like "Spawn X (number of rings) objects"?

  • Hey guys, I'm trying to recreate a sonic game, but I'm stuck on the part that I get hit and drop all my rings. I made the ring dropping, bouncing and everything, my problem is to drop the exact amount of rings that I had before I got hit, like a for or repeat loop. How can I do it?


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Member since 5 Feb, 2019

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