DUTOIT's Recent Forum Activity

  • I use dt that is Delta Time

    Which is about 1 second.

    But moving 32pixel on each keystroke is about 1 sec anyways.

    A good example of moving player tokens x number squares is this little Tutorial/demo comes in part 1 and 2

    Edit: Not everyone uses skydrive and doesn't have account to download. Suggest you get free dropbox or copy account to use for sharing. See my sig below - 20 gig for free.

    Just checked out your capx - that should work. You can also use the move at angle and put angle 0 and distance 32 for right and 90|32 for down etc etc

    Many ways to skin a cat - lol

  • The website always timeouts with me too, but torrent is about 40min - 60min. with 2 people sharing (prob tom and ashley) lol.

    I've had issues with uk anything since the data cable got severed by a ship somewhere Egypt side, I think it was a few months back.

  • NotionGames,

    Deleted, pm'd you instead

  • Sorry took so long to view it. End of year rush. lol. I gave it 4 stars <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> because I know it was made with Construct 2, and you have done an amazing job.

    Now multiplayer/AI and you can make some serious "$$$". Seen a lot on kickstater raising some serious capital.

  • Agreed, also in beta - Unity3d is a better option.

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    Subscription based for education

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Cocoonjs got major funding, they hired a huge team and it just stagnated - there are bugs from long ago that still haven't been fixed and they don't respond half the time.

    I am not impressed with them and hope Ashley comes to the rescue.

    I see cocoonjs just scored big deal with nickelodeon to convert all their games - bragging how smooth and fast the games run on cocoonjs.

    I have rethought my games and decided to self host and use html5 rather than convert to various platforms.

    Now that chrome is available on android etc.

    Love that I can play on my tv in my lounge. The future is getting bright indeed.

    I am just waiting for chrome to wake up and allow address bar to be hidden in game. Or someone to find a work-a-round.

  • Textbox and buttons aren't supported by cocoon

    I haven't found any real solutions. You could build your own keyboard that outputs characters and saves in variable.



  • , check out latest tutorial section, there is a ton of tutorials uploaded yesterday on location and storage. Even a cool one which records the movement and allows you to rewind based on previous co-ordinates.

    The space game has spawning - have a look at that

  • I don't like installing plugins. So don't know what your capx looks like. I presume you want to drag piece to overlap another peice. you can do this with behaviors.

    I suggest you read the manual about behaviours.

    On sprite right click choose behaviours then press plus sign. Find drag and drop. Now piece should be able to move.

    Overlapping is easy. Create event with sprite is overlapping with another object. Select object.

    I would read manual about families etc. In fact I would read manual in entirety and use the build in examples as source. Open select desired example to view source.

    Edit: there is a checkers game somewhere I just tried to look, but don't have it bookmarked. Search the forum / tutorials / arcade. Can't remember where it was. It has drag and drop if I am not mistaken.

  • Unity3d is overkill if you are by your lonesome, taking on the gaming world in your pj's from the confines of your garage.

    You can achieve a lot with it, but to build a fully fledged, working, salable product, it is going to need a team, or you better understand you are up against a team or a series of teams.

    Starting out, C2 is perfect to gain experience, build a portfolio. No reason you can't use both, because expect 2 plus years for game development with Unity3d at least.

    Html5 games is gaining traction. It is invading pc's, mobiles, tablets, readers, and is already in your living rooms.

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