DUTOIT's Recent Forum Activity

  • A question - can I open 2 Construct at the same time?

    I normally use it with tutorials to compare events.

    Steam Version: No you can't.

    Scirra Version: Yes you can.

  • Merry Xmas ALL. Eat Well. Drink Well. Be Merry.

  • Mahir, you have to send them an email to licensehelpnpn@scirra.com along with proof of purchase and attach you current license file. They will respond with what to do.

  • No. Two different licensing systems.

    Rather buy here. I purchased steam version and hated it. upgraded to business version here and can tell you - here scirra is so much better.

    I was having software crashes ever couple hours on steam.

    You can't open files from explorer window because file association and steam is broken.

    THere is long list of issues with steam.

    But, if they offering some major discount, then its your choice. If the price is only slightly cheaper, then rather buy here.

    My thoughts on it anyway.

    Oh, 'all software' on steam is problematic, in some way or other - its the authentication system and steam basically said they don't care. And refuse to offer refunds. And refuse to fix it.

    Yip, I had couple months of hell. But since getting my new version from scirra, not one problem - it is such a joy.

  • Now its your turn. So you can go with

    1. Try and help/resolve the case

    2. Continiue trying to lecture me

    I'll take Option 3: Skip my turn <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Wow, LittleStain, you are super cool to help this guy when he blows off with no reason whatsoever.

    Edit: Your solution works perfectly <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Lol,

    I'll do it, I need a Christmas bonus :)

    My Name Is John Doe, and I will wire you your money minus expenses. 1 x Xbox One, Samsung S4, etc etc.

  • Lol, okay. That is pretty old.

  • What version were you using? Good to know what isn't compatible.

  • > .........."team meat".


    That's.....sounds......wrong :)


    VictoryX, good luck, had my own fair share of leechers. Now I just delegate and if they don't perform - Burn the suckers. lol. Assuming I am team leader that is. If I am not, then I hope they delegate what is expected from me. And always have in writing that monies is based on performance and majority rules. Team leader gets 2 votes.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads

    Only 3.4% UK ?    That's quite a surprise.


    Lol, the UK, it might be higher, probably is, this is indication where site traffic comes from, not exact, but gives a best guess estimate.


    I'm 3rd world, but the ashley and Tom did right in putting servers in US because they are are more likely to pay for personal/business than 3rd worlders like me (Yes, I brought business license) but I am speaking in general. Oh, I've traveled enough to know that the only thing that changes is food and scenery and a big dash of culture - lol.

    Work is work, and talent is talent. Doesn't matter where it comes from.

  • Probably site usage stats, and which country views it etc


    Country     Percent of Visitors     Rank in Country

    United States Flag United States     25.8%     16,806

    India Flag India     9.2%     26,425

    Canada Flag Canada     5.0%     8,100

    France Flag France     3.7%     18,268

    United Kingdom Flag United Kingdom     3.4%     24,640

    Brazil Flag Brazil     3.1%     17,809

    Indonesia Flag Indonesia     2.9%     14,399

    Spain Flag Spain     2.9%     22,742

    Pakistan Flag Pakistan     2.7%     12,936

    Argentina Flag Argentina     2.6%     10,841


    Well, you weren't far off <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Ashley, can't you add new versions/beta's to dropbox or other. Seriously your server times out 95% of the time when download time exceeds 15min.

    I actually just tried downloading beta now and it time'd out. The torrent works, but is slow because so few seeders - lol.

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