DUTOIT's Recent Forum Activity

  • 100 event limit lifted. Time to build some big boy games :)

  • szymek, yip, not able to run anything but a board game or card games at this stage. But who know maybe in 6mths to a year :)

  • Used the remote provided, but that was a bit slow - but when it comes to gaming you can't beat a air mouse / keyboard. which works pretty cool with angry birds - lol.

    Haven't tried smart phone - that's an idea. Will look into that.

  • Just got my new samsung smart tv and was very pleased to see that my html5 (under development) c2 boardgame, plays well using the Samsung inbuilt web browser.

    This is a little side project that will allow a family like mine which is so far apart, to continue to play board games on sunday afternoon around the tv across the world.

    Very exciting that games can be played from the comfort of my lounge and shared with my loved ones.

    Bright times lay ahead for html 5 gaming <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Don't worry DravenX, my line is pretty stable and fast and construct 2 times out server side just before end of nearly every download attempt - very annoying. I use torrent, and it takes about 30min because only 2 seeders usually lol.

  • Are you able to use the Beta version if you wanted to? I'm not sure how that would work with Steam.

    Yes you can use the beta versions, you have to enable the beta participate with steam - which will install steam beta version (comes with bugs). Then you can enable construct 2 beta.

  • I have to say it is extremely unlikely you got Steam just for the discount and didn't already have steam. The construct 2 sale isn't really advertised anywhere and is instead one of their generic holiday sales.

    I assume you already had a steam account and knew how it worked then were upset when you thought it would be different for Construct.

    Any rate Steam isn't bad, I use the steam version no problem, did have it crash once but that was it. Construct does have a really nice feature called "save" which makes a copy of your work for you so crashes are not a big dilemma.

    Also Valve has said numerous times they would allow users to back up their content in the event that they go bankrupt, which will not happen for a long time.

    So just relax, the problem has to be on your side,check all your drivers not just video card, adjust your firewall, try offline mode in steam, try the free version from this site see if you have same issues.

    He said he didn't have steam account, then he didn't. Who are you to say otherwise? And throw a bunch of spices into the mix with your assumptions (bit of an a$$ attack on him don't you think?)

    Steam advertises everywhere. And google Construct 2 discount. And word of mouth. And don't forget social - twitter has tons of steam sale and construct 2 steam sale etc and facebook has a bunch etc etc etc etc.

    Also, STeam have loads of issues - I've used them for years upon years. They just have some good pro's going for them that outweigh the cons.

    I have steam version - it is broken.

    I have scirra version - it works like a dream.

    I have both on my computer - which means steam is the culprit.

    He has every right to be annoyed, frustrated. He purchased a product that isn't working. Your copy works, so you are happy. His doesn't and he is upset. Imagine yours didn't work - you would be annoyed too.

    Steam breaks a dozen laws concerning their refund policy - If they trade in your country they have to abide by those laws. Paypal dispute will be easiest for refund, 45 days, and steam have to comply, but you can also have a lawyer educate them about your country laws in regards to refunds. They are quick to issue a refund when educated.

    E.g 7 day cool off period etc etc etc

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • I think everyone knows my views on the steam version of construct 2. I had huge amount of issues and zero help from steam. Steam was not ment to run software applications. Games yes, but not software.

    In the end I upgraded to business version on scirra and haven't had a single problem since. (okay, one license issue, but that was C2 reverting to free edition - fixed now) All, in all the scirra version has been pure joy.

    The two software's might be identical, but both offer completely different user experiences. My machine is the constant(nothing changed here), and C2 steam still crashes etc all the time. Whilst scirra version has ZERO problems. So issue lies on steams side and they told me in as few words. "They don't care. They are not going to fix it. No they don't offer refunds."

    I have said it continuously - DON'T BUY STEAM VERSION. But, folks keep saying they don't have issues, and I am an exception. Well, if I can save 1 other exception the HUGE SH1T I went through - then so be it. DON'T BUY STEAM. SUPPORT SCIRRA - IT IS WORTH THE EXTRA $$$

    Edit: SIDENOTE - Warning, steam deleted a lot of the negative FORUM POSTS on the CONSTRUCT 2 discussion thread. There were a couple of forum posts saying don't buy because of xyz (they are gone now)

    I lost a lot of posts there too because I commented within somebodys topic and they wiped whole topic.

  • mindfaQ, lol, how oh master?

    Seriously, how? You create to shortcut links? or something?

    I don't use steam anymore - I hate it that much, but I'm sure you will help others who do if you share your wisdom <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • drop a blank index.html file into that folder before uploading to server. Or add the line <p>Images folder moved to aws</p> inside html file.

    But if they want to get images they will and very easily by pressing F12 and saving them all along with all your code. THey can download your whole game and host it elsewhere too.

    Downside of html5 games. But they can steal any game on the planet, no matter how much security the game developers put in. So don't worry about it - they will steal it, but how you incorp that into your marketing plan is up to you.

  • > A question - can I open 2 Construct at the same time?


    > I normally use it with tutorials to compare events.

    Yes you can.

    No you can't <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> mindfaQ he is talking about steam version to which you can only have 1 instance open at a time.

  • Downloading from scirra times out right at the end. Very annoying. I use torrrents. It is slow, but at least download doesn't time out.

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