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  • Hi Memph here is a link to the example I created to test this out for you. Hope this helps.

    *EDIT* I actually see what might have happened to you. I had the bullet just outside the layout and it worked fine but when I removed that it did exactly what it is doing to you. Not sure why I didn't think of this but try making a new layout with no event sheet for objects and put your bullet in there adjust the size of the bullet to where you want it. The example link has been updated to show what i'm talking about.

  • Is it possible to use a global variable something like AgentAngle as a sort of toggle? So for instance if AgentAngle=1 set the angle to angle of motion and if AgentAngle=0 I believe set angle to 0? I think that sets the angle back to it's default angle. Basically that's what the check box seems to do is on created set angle of image to angle of motion, but that's just it's initial behavior from there you can override it with this toggle and when they move backwards just include set AgentAngle to 0 then go back to set AgentAngle to 1 when they move forward again. Sounds messy I know but it's just a global variable and 2 events (if AgentAngle=1 do this and if AgentAngle=0 do that) then telling it when you need it to do each command. The global variable acts as your check box. I hope this helps in some way. If possible add a screenshot or example of what you're working with. Change the sprites or create a duplicate dummy example.

    **Sidenote** If you have them moving towards the player and you want them to always face the player even when moving backwards uncheck the set angle box and try every tick set angle toward position Player.x Player.y

  • Hi Danwood are you trying to change the angle then shoot or shoot a projectile and then control it's movement? Or maybe shoot towards your mouse cursor at the correct angle? I'll see if I can help you troubleshoot just let me know what your going for.

  • Hi Memph here are a couple of ways to achieve what I think you're going for.

    Use this 1 if you want to only shoot when you hit the key

    Use this 1 if you're looking for an automatic firing while you hold down the key. (adjust the every 0.5 seconds to change fire rate) Hope this helps.

  • Hi Peter I was just playing around with a couple of things and this might help. You can use browser to go fullscreen and the NW.js itself has a function to set window to maximum which knocks it back out of fullscreen into windowed mode. There are a bunch of options under NW.js that may help as well. Hope this info helps.

  • I do not speak Portuguese or Spanish unfortunately. I would love to learn though. My mother's side is Portuguese. I do know some words in other languages, but just a few. I just happen to know that Verde means green and Zelda is 1 of my favorite series of all time LTTP being 1 of the first games I ever played and OOT being in my top 5. In regards to the on landed/on floor issue. You could substitute that action with if player is on collision with (floor object) then disable double jump. That also does the trick and avoids the on landed action. This may work out better for you.

  • No problem. Happy to help!

  • Hi KittyXgamer. Are you trying to spawn the object at mouse location and have it stay where it spawns or do you want the object to spawn and follow the mouse? I'm going to add a few images. Hope this helps.

    Update: I just read your post again. If you're trying to set the mouse cursor to a different image depending on what key you hit please let me know I can help with that too.

    The disabled portion is only if you want it to pin to the mouse.

    The next 1 is in case you are looking to create the same sprite but different frames of animation depending on which key you hit. Let me know if I can help further.

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  • Hey KannonBoom try clicking on the sprite from the project panel on the right and then on the left panel check to make sure your opacity isn't 0% and the box that says initially visible is checked off. A couple of other things to check are Z order and sprite movement. If you have a background or other object it may be showing in front of your blocks right click the block and check the z order bar. If your blocks have movement like a bullet behavior it could just be flying off the screen. I'll attach a couple photos. Hope this helps.

  • Hi pandabear I'm not sure if this works the same since I have a game that saves using local storage events. I just exported it to WebView2 and saved progress which showed up in Local AppData. You may already know how to get there but you type %appdata% into the windows search bar then click on AppData at the top and then go into the Local folder you may see a folder for your game in there. I'll add some photos. Hope this helps!

  • Hi ZeldaVerde (love the name) I just tried a little something that might help. This 2 event setup enables double jump only when the player hits the jump input and should work even if you change the input from default to something else since it enables on jump. It disables double jump again once you land. If you walk straight off a platform you get no jump and just fall. I hope this helps!

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Rebel Zodiac

Member since 25 Apr, 2013

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