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  • jknnkla No problem! Just curious when you say loop the position are you trying to have multiple points that it could be and it cycles through in order? For instance instead of going anywhere in the viewport like the way I set this up you have an A,B,C,D that you set and it either goes in order or chooses a random point out of those. If so let me know because it's totally doable either way.

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  • Looks like alextro got to it first but I'll throw my edit in here anyway. I changed the movement and roads to 3 lanes and made all cars travel in the same direction. I also changed the frequency at which they spawn to adjust for losing the 4th lane.

  • Hi jknnkla I am adding a couple photos that should achieve what you're trying to do. If you're looking to jump the sprite right to the spot instead of "walking" over to it use the set position instead of move to. If you don't want the angle to change when moving uncheck "Set Angle" in the move to behavior panel. You may also need to tweak your speed to your liking. Hope this helps.

    **EDIT** You can also add the bound to layout behavior so that part of your sprite never goes off screen.

  • No problem. Oh true I forgot about that. Yeah that would force fullscreen makes sense. Good luck with the game!

  • No problem glad it worked out. Best of luck with your game!

  • There may be a way to achieve this using a global variable for instance instead of making the walking animation play when moving left or right set it so that when pushing the left or right key set WalkingAnim=1 and if not pressing either key wait 0.1 second and set it to 0. then make events such as if WalkingAnim=1 play walking animation and if 0 play idle. Because the animation is being controlled by a global variable what should happen is so long as you're holding left or right the global is 1 so even if switching to another layout the variable will still be telling it to "walk". That being said you will need to add the if WalkingAnim=1 do this if 0 do that to every event sheet that effects the player. You can also tell new event sheets to also include the main event sheet's actions providing that doesn't mess things up for you. I will work on an example and post a link when I get a chance. Hope this helps.

    **EDIT** Sorry I wrote this early in the day. Each Layout typically has it's own event sheet so what's happening is you go to the next Layout and that Layout's event sheet doesn't know how to animate the character when keys are pushed if that makes sense. You would either have to also include the event sheet that has those events are copy/paste the when key pressed do anim into every event sheet. The include event sheet is where add global variable is.

  • So basically all I did for that was on the right hand side at the top where it says layouts right click and add new layout. When it asks if you want to create an event sheet you don't have to but can if you want. This layout just acts as a place where things live without being in the way. I then just named it ObjectRepository and put a single bullet in there. If anything you could just open my example separate and see what is different in mine something is bound to stick out. Not sure if this is a factor but In mine the bullet spawns at a secondary image point on the player. If you have events set that destroy the bullet if it hits the player and you spawn the bullet at an image point in the center of the player sprite it'll instantly be destroyed. Worth checking out.

  • No problem. Best of luck with your game!

  • Oh yeah google does that preview thing. If you click the link and then click the download button on the top right it will download a .c3p file which you can open if you go into Contruct 3 hit open file and select it. I'm just now realizing you may be using Construct 2 if so let me know I have that also. We'll get this figured out.

  • Hi bbowling you might be able to achieve this with a couple methods. Method 1 is kind of crude but effective you simply make a sprite that is invisible and if player is overlapping this sprite cause death events then just place the invisible object where you want. Method 2 is using the platformer "is falling" and a system wait X seconds like the image below. Hope this helps.

    If you're looking to make fall damage use a global variable that kicks in and then if on landed and variable=1 do the death or health loss events. Kinda like this.

    You can also make it so it waits for a second then starts increasing the global variable and you can take fall damage based on how far you fell. If you need an example of that I can provide 1 just let me know.

  • No problem. Best of luck with your game!

  • Hi lukezero I haven't personally gotten into that style of game yet, but I did find this tutorial which may be a good place to start and it has examples. Hope it helps!

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Rebel Zodiac

Member since 25 Apr, 2013

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