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  • Hi JackH4889 Do you just want like a simple invisible wall as a barrier or are you trying to prevent a player from using the input to move backwards? I'll do my best to help out if I can.

  • Hi AZEKIALDUTTON009 You should be able to do this without needing a radius sprite. You can add the move to behavior to your heat sink missile and set an event for every tick move to enemy. By default the angle will set toward it too.

    Now if you wanted to make a heat sink missile where its chasing the enemy but you can cause it to chase something else (distracting it) like in movies that can be done too. Let me know if you want more info on that.

  • Ahh gotcha I hate when that happens and it requires input. Best of luck with everything. If I think of anything else I'll post back here.

  • That's ok Liocare here is a link to an example it's a google drive so you'll want to click the top right download icon and you'll get a project file. Unfortunately without seeing exactly what you are it's hard to say what could be causing it. It could be a collision issue or maybe needs a slight delay like adding a wait 0.1 seconds on arrived before doing it again. Anyways here is the link best of luck I hope this helps.

  • Hi Helix0 There are a couple of actions that may help. They are listed under Misc sprite actions. 1 sets the "bullets" detection of solids on or off and the other is a filter where you can tell it to ignore specific objects completely. To see what I mean set up an on start of layout click add action choose your sprite and take a look under Misc you'll see see this (don't mind the doodle lol).

    You can do things like when bullet on collision with "object" and object is playing a certain animation or is a certain frame then ignore the collision. Hard to explain but basically you can "ignore or penetrate" an object wearing specific say armor or turn on armor penetration when a certain gun is equipped things like that. I can go more in depth if needed just let me know. Hope this helps.

  • No bother at all! Any chance you could share a screenshot of just the event sheet? Also are you using Construct 2 or 3? Only asking in case I make an example.

  • Hi Liocare I actually just worked on something similar for another post I'll link it here maybe it can help. I can tweak this too just let me know. Hope this helps!

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  • Hey HyperTodd This may do the trick, but I have not tested it out. System seems to have options for when app is suspended and resumed and it does say that its used when the app comes back to the foreground so maybe. Here are some pics hope this helps.

  • Hey no problem! So the (OriginalViewportHeight) and (OriginalViewportWidth) are only if you want to contain it to the viewport. I believe if you use "(LayoutHeight) and (LayoutWidth) instead you should get that result. Everything else should stay the same.

  • jknnkla Oh ok I think I see what you're going for. You can add an "On Arrived" Event so that when the player reaches the first random spot it finds another without needing to be told to I'll attach a photo of this. You're basically adding 1 more event and then just copy/paste the action from before. You can also change the "when space pressed" to "on start of layout" and there are many other mechanics that can branch from this. Let me know if you need anymore help.

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Rebel Zodiac

Member since 25 Apr, 2013

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