Building Tower Defense Game workshop (eBook in Construct Store) shows how to take this game and tweak it.
Good Point! There's an online version coming very soon ...
Yes, it's coming very soon. I had hoped to use the comments and experience from the JAN 2025 workshop, ... But it looks like several folks would like a delayed workshop OR as you've stated an "Online Version" (which saves me a ton of investment!)
Game Development Workshops are in Phoenix, AZ USA. The scheduled date is for upcoming for JAN 2025 limited to 50 seats.
Good Luck!
I'm working on a 2-player version with scoring. Please let me know what you think ... thanks.
Give me a couple of days & it’ll be up with scoring.
Yes, it is… Scoring & 2-player will be up in a day or so!
had a difficult time reading the "sprite fonts"
Yes, I can answer questions and provide tips. My source code package with that support included.
I'm uploading it to the Construct Asset Store now. Thanks for your interest.
Glad to hear it. I'll make another tutorial about how to use this slot machine in an RPG duel. I have 11 different combat systems and this slot machine is just one method.
SGGS is correct; look for the logic error in the "consultTheToad".
Both. The online version is coming soon. Visit my author publishing site ( for all the available online workshop course.
Introduce yourself when you come.
Member since 6 Jan, 2018