LevelUpJordan's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hey! I finished it, it was pretty good! Parts felt a bit cheap though (I'm thinking of the fan specifically)

    Also there's a spelling mistake at the end, congradulations instead of congratulations, here's a picture to highlight it :)


  • Sometimes jumping from a non bouncy surface to the trampoline (not bouncing constantly) fails on my PC and treats it as a solid. My theory is there isn't a tick when the player is less than 6 but more than one pixel away, it may be my PC'S fault though, it's not very powerful.

  • Hi, so I'm just starting out making a platformer. My general method is before I start planning what objects will be interacted with in the game and just creating a prototype layout.

    I've already started this and there is an issue, I want a trampoline and while what I have works most of the time on 10% of occasions it won't. I'm guessing this is something to do with a "tick" occurring at just the wrong time but am not sure so if you guys could take a look that'd be awesome :)

    capx: dropbox.com/s/a1el5tvuumtt08q/version0.04.capx

    My current events:(I uploaded the picture too big to embed) imgur/8feivCQ

  • I remember having that problem with a game, never fixed it but I really didn't know what I was doing :p One thing if suggest is destroying UFO on start of layout (or after waiting 0.1 seconds or something) destroying any UFO sprite. Not sure if it'd work but it's an idea, not a fix but it may hide the problem.

  • Well, turns out I didn't try everything. Nemo was right and I feel like an idiot! Thanks for your help

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  • LevelUpJordan, have you run the directXweb installation that can be found from your exported project?

    I'm very new to this so no, I've simply exported with the node webkit and opened the exe. I'll take a look into it now :)

    Thanks to you too

  • Does trying the game in chrome have the same effect? What do you usually run the game in?

    I only run it as a browser thing in the arcade at the moment (see link in the original post), it runs at 60 FPS in my browser (Chrome)

    Thanks for your time!

  • Hey guys! Quick question, I really want to make my game available for download as a .exe file. However no matter what I seem to do performance takes a major hit when I use node webkit. Do you have any suggestions to make it run well, even with a basic game such as this the frame rate falls to 15 FPS.



  • It was part of a humble bundle thing, definitely worth a look. All in all I donated $10. It ends in 9 hours though open.commonly.cc

    Did you have any other feedback about the game itself?

    Thanks! :D

  • Hi, I just bought some art assets and decided I'd play about with them for an hour and made It's Nothing Personal, which I describe as feeling a bit like Dive Kick or Mount Your Friends. I think it came out surprisingly well and will probably spend more time on it but would like to see what you guys think. It's a two player game and can be found at scirra.com/arcade/action/6258/its-nothing-personal

    I hope to add:

      A game mode where you can sacrifice a bit of speed for higher jumps or vicaversa A mode where you pick upgrades for your speed/jumps More complex stages, with multiple layers, jump through surfaces and hazards The option to change the amount of lives you start with

    I like the idea of not having traditional menus and keeping everything in gameplay (like the restart button)

    So, thoughts are appreciated. And if you got a chance to check out some of my other prototypes that'd be even better. Thanks,


  • Hey, everyone. A few weeks ago I posted looking for feedback on some prototypes I'd made. No-one responded <img src="smileys/smiley24.gif" border="0" align="middle"> Anyway, I've now spent more time fleshing out one of the prototypes called Which Way Down. It's a fairly short puzzle platformer and can be found here:


    I'd love to hear your thoughts, I'll probably expand on another prototype next so it'd also be great to have your feedback on which, i any, o my other games have potential:


    Thanks, Jordan

  • Anyone?

    Please, it should only take 5 minutes <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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Member since 12 Mar, 2013

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