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  • I apologise for the basic question, but I'm pulling my hair out here. I've searched the forums and whatnot.

    I'm working on two projects and I'm going to need to record some gameplay, I'd also hope in the event someone wants to play them they could record stuff but I've tried Fraps and Open Broadcaster Software with no success whatsoever. I found some posts on here about Fraps not working, but that was some time ago and someone suggested OBS as a working alternative.

    Fraps doesn't seem to recognise a game is running whatsoever, and OBS will recognise the window but seems to stop before anything really happens.

    I'm not sure what files to upload for help with this, but if you need anything off me please ask. Thank you in advance.

  • I didn't think it was messy enough to be doubly noteworthy!

    It's now working and I didn't change a single line, it must just be my laptop being dodgy.

    Thanks for your time.

    EDIT: And sorry to bother you with something that ended up being nothing at all.

  • Seems simple I know but I'd class myself as someone with a bit of experience.

    I'm making a game, I recently tried to add gamepad support. Having never done so it's been a bit of an uphill struggle, but I thought I was making solid progress.

    However the "has gamepads" condition doesn't seem to be working at all. Maybe it's my laptop, maybe it's my programming, or maybe it's a bug in Construct 2. If someone else could confirm I have/haven't done something wrong I'd appreciate it.

    The event sheets are a bit of a mess, but here's the capx: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m109sytmaje5x ... .capx?dl=0

    The easiest places to see what I'm talking about are:

    Controls_Enabled = 0 means Mouse & Keyboard, Controls_Enabled = 1 means Gamepad

    Event Sheet_Options line35 This to me would suggest you can only activate gamepad control if there was a gamepad connected but that's not the case.

    Similarly, Event Sheet_Tutorial (Mouse) line 3 should switch controls from gamepad back to mouse if no gamepad is connected, again this isn't true.

    There's also the exact same situation in Event Sheet_World 1 but that's a lot more messy.

    Thanks for your help!

    EDIT: To demonstrate, here's a link to the game: https://levelupjordan.itch.io/secret?se ... 3GwjkNCj2s

    If you enable gamepad in options when there isn't a connected gamepad you will see the behaviour I'm referring to when you are in control of the character.

  • Got it down to 75ish, thanks again!

  • That's a valid point. I'll think of a way to address it. Cheers!

  • Hmm, weird. Maybe it's my laptop, everything else works fine though.

    I noticed the large memory use, I assumed that was correlated with layout size and am not sure how to fix it.

    Thanks for your input!

  • If you go here: http://levelupjordan.itch.io/rick-and-morty-thing (I know the zoom is odd, there's a full screen button in the bottom right) 's and click on S01E09 you'll notice it sort of crashes the browser and takes a while to load.

    I can't figure out why it's doing this, my only guess is the size of the layout but I thought layout size wasn't an issue.

    Here's the capx: http://www.filedropper.com/roar2 It's messy, but the relevant bits are pretty simple I think.

    Thank you!

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  • I'd be up for this. I also have a load of prototypes (some on my user page: https://www.scirra.com/users/levelupjordan) that would make fun mini projects. I'd be up for something completely new too!

    I'm not much of an art guy but I'm not too bad (in my opinion) at programming and game design

  • A0Nasser Sorry, I'm not having a good day! That's a very old link, the newer one shouldn't have that issue. I've updated it now. Thanks and sorry for wasting your time.

    At the very most you may have to zoom out slightly but as I say, it should work fine with that link

  • What resolution did you set, that can't be play online?

    A0Nasser Sorry, that information is out of date, the link is for the online version. The game is 1920x1080

  • I've updated a fair bit although progress has been a bit slow due to illness, there is now some art in the game. Only the main player and the basic enemies but it should set the tone (see the gameplay gif in the original post).

    There are multiple levels and objectives which on completion spawns you to a new random level and reduces the difficulty.

    Coins can now be collected for points and combo.

    Please give it a try

  • Thanks! Glad you liked it.

    There is actually an artist busy making art assets as I type so I felt like getting placeholders in for only a few days would be time/effort that could be used somewhere else wasted. I'll be sure to update the post when we have art

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