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  • Curious about this as well - noticed I can see everything including base txt files that are being AJAX'd into the game simply by unzipping the package.nw file. If I recall, previous versions had the package grouped into the exe which I assume made it harder to just unzip? Is there a way to enable this?

  • Did anyone else see their memory usage bloat with node webkit's exe after moving from r141 to r142? I've reverted to a previous build since the memory usage increase was persistent and significant across the few computers I tested on.

  • Ashley Yikes.. so going from v141 to v142 the node webkit .exe takes roughly double the amount of memory in task manager (from 200mb to 400mb). Do you know why that might be? I don't think anything else changed although now I've saved over my file like an idiot and am not sure if I can revert to the previous Construct version..

    Debugger memory usage appears to be the same (50-60mb in images). The new profiler tool is really awesome btw! Wish I could see what draw calls are occuring because it takes up nearly 20% CPU when nothing on the screen is moving.. that seems wrong right? I have bad code that is telling the game to redraw something it doesn't need to draw?

    Thanks so much for your help. ^^

  • From and

    Game is freezing on some PCs for 1-2 seconds at a time (not a slow down of framerate, everything just stops for a second or two). Does this mean it's a processing/logic issue rather than a draw issue?

    Object count affecting performance - does type of object matter here? For example, if I have dialogue or room layouts that are read into a 300+ separate arrays during initialization, does it matter at all?

    Sound - is positional sound computationally expensive? [order of magnitude vs. normal sound?] What about 'stop all'? Wondering about sound optimization in general as one of the test computers cannot actually play the game unless sound is disabled. This is all via node webkit.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Yes! Need this as well pretty please.

  • *Edit to do this without having all the backgrounds in the layout because there would be a ton of backgrounds.

  • Sorry, why can't it work with those events in Layout 1? Objects have to be present in a layout to spawn them? I thought they just needed to be somewhere in the project? Sprites work like that pretty sure..

    Trying to dynamically call tiled backgrounds for different environments that the player can walk into.

  • RexRainbow, does this work with tiled backgrounds? Trying to pick and create a tiled background object and having trouble with standard methods (and I assume Nickname is sprites only). Wondering if it's possible to extend functionality to sprites? <3


  • Nickname function doesn't appear to get around it either.. what am I doing wrong. :(


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  • Another picking problem.. not sure what is going on here. Did I overlook something silly? Any help would be really appreciated!

    1) Have a family of tiled backgrounds with an instance variable.

    2) Trying to pick one instance from the family using that variable.

    C2 does not appear to find anything.. removing the picking will generate a random instance as expected.

    Capx here:

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Thanks so much! This works perfectly. Interesting that the original way didn't work but glad there was another way to do it. :D

  • Hm okay, thanks! However, what if I want to just pick *one* instance of a text object that corresponds to a = 0, b = 0 or 1, and c = 0 or 1? I was hoping to narrow the picked list down and then top it off with a 'pick random instance' but it doesn't work with a 'for each' obviously.

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Member since 14 Feb, 2013

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