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  • Yes, you double click the exe and nothing shows up for some time (the task instantly appears in task manager at around 26MB and uses around 12% of my CPU and when the window shows up, a second process starts with the same name that is around 350MB and all the CPU time goes to 0% on the smallerprocess and is hovering at 1% for the larger process).

    It used to be a few seconds long and has progressively gotten slower as the game has grown.

  • Hmm okay, already using a loader layout (I thought the percentages were going up almost instantly from 0% to 100% since it's loading locally but maybe that's what's causing the slow window appearance). Thanks a lot for looking into this Ashley!

  • Wondering what is actually happening between when you double click the .exe file generated by Node Webkit export and when the window shows up on screen. This feels like it is taking longer and longer as my game grows (30+ seconds where the app is active on task manager before the window shows up). I'm wondering if there's anyway for me to optimize this! Thanks in advance for any help.

  • I wanted to second that I'm also having this error. AJAX requests don't appear to fire on layout restart. Saving it to another file as a workaround for now until fixed (also still on r141 given all the bugs/performance issues with latest releases, possible it was fixed in a later release).

  • Happy birthday! :D

  • Yep same problem, exported exe does not run at all for me. I see it in task manager but at a fraction of the normal memory usage.

    With preview mode, still having issues even after the 'OR' block fix as well (certain instance variables reading as zero for some reason when its worked fine before). Don't have time to troubleshoot more at the moment, reverting to R141 which has been most stable for me.

  • Bump to the top with another performance question.. hard for me to test these things personally because my computers still function okay with the game.

    Has anyone else seen a spike in RAM usage with the new Construct version when exporting to node webkit?

    Also for collision detection, does checking distance before the collision detection help or does that add even more computational strain? (e.g., 50 bullets flying around.. turn off collision for things that are: distance(bullet.x,bullet.y,player.x,player.y)>200?

  • Sent you a PM but this appears to be a reasonable fix:

  • andreyin Wondering if you have found anything similar for webstorage protection? Just enough so you can't edit with notepad++ would be nice since that seems a bit silly. Searching through forums I saw some crc32 stuff with Construct Classic but not sure how to use that with C2.

  • I went into file options and checked 'compress files' and it worked after that! With default settings it extracted the file as .enigma1 (which I could then extract again to see everything)

  • Haha, okay so this doesn't seem to work very well. I can just rename the boxed exe file to zip and then unzip it to see all the files.

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  • Wow, thank so much for the quick response. This looks pretty cool, will test. :)

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Member since 14 Feb, 2013

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