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  • I'm not sure what's wrong with my code here... I'm sure I've just done something silly.

    I would expect this code to only select things that are a = 0 AND b = 0 or 1 AND c = 0 or 1 but it's picking everything where a = 0.

    Any help would be much appreciated! The code works with only one indented line (e.g., a = 0 AND b = 0 or 1) but doesn't work with both indented lines.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Capx here:

  • Oh, is this why there's lag in pathfinding? I always just thought it was b/c pathfinding has a pretty significant calculation time (particularly b/c we can't limit pathfinding area) and this was just masked when the object is rotating.

    Would love if this was fixed.

  • Totally understand that there's a million things on the to-do list! Just curious if there's any progress here. Being able to limit the pathfinding area and regeneration map within an extremely large dungeon would be really great to have (that plus flocking which is probably significantly more complex).

  • Cipriux I think I managed to solve this by doing:

    Set character width to ## for str("")

  • rexrainbow Thanks a lot! I seem to have trouble replicating the effect with a family every tick though.. here's what the new capx looks like if you have a moment:

    There should be imagepoint(1) for everything in the capx. I want to make sure the ball is in front of the spikes on the ground when it should be.

  • How do I auto-resize textboxes? Is this possible / a feature that's on the docket to be added? Two situations where I need this:

    (1) Mixing and matching font styles for a large block of text (bold header of variable length followed by regular text followed by italicized text). Right now I'm not sure how to make sure everything lines up perfectly.

    (2) Tooltips (creating the size of the semi-transparent box behind the tooltip text)

    Mipey's spritefont plugin used to be able to do this with Set Resize Mode I believe, but forum searches on the official spritefont and text objects only turned up the workaround of multiplying every character by character width to determine the length of the string and calculating it manually (seems really inefficient for a large block of text).

  • Showing the same text object over and over again on the same page doesn't cost more memory than showing it in a single place on the layout though right? Just checking.

  • I think .count is common to most objects so if you look for Conditions->System->Compare 2 Variables you should be able to just type it out.


  • Thanks! Here is the Capx:

    It's a 3/4 view (like Zelda A Link to the Past) and I'd like the balls to be able to rotate yet properly obscure spikes that are above the bottom of the ball. Let me know if you need more detail!

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  • Hey lucid - I don't think so if you mean 'Set Scale' as an action within Construct. I want to resize the entirety of the Spriter project before I import it because it's currently importing an extremely large file.

  • This is so very awesome!! :) Quick question though - is there anyway to resize the resolution on an animation before importing it to Spriter?

    I have a very large image that I've put bones on and animated but want to import it at a smaller scale for Construct (not just rescale the large pieces in Construct because they would still take up all that space).

  • rexrainbow Would there be any reason to redo my existing code to use the official function? (It currently works fine with your function, wondering how the official one is better and if something will break down the line and/or there are performance improvements) Thanks!

    Also as a side note, is it possible to change the ZSorter to sort on a different imagepoint? Trying to rotate a ball (which appears to only rotate around origin) but still have it sort correctly.

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Member since 14 Feb, 2013

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