Hansokumake's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi all.

    I've started a website to promote the development of Irish language videogame culture.


    I think that minority language speakers are a demographic mostly unseen by the broader videogame industry. Given some love, they might (eventually) represent a new market for clever and well-crafted independent games.

    Do you have a game (or part of a game!) that you would like me to adapt and present to the Gaelic community?

    If so, or if you are interested in joining the development of our current free games ("Isp�n!", "Peig:The Game" or 'An Leamhan') please message me or leave your thoughts below.

    Thank you.

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  • Hi there.

    I'm still not quite understanding instance variables.

    In this situation (Sorry for dodgey capture):

    <img src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-rZCbDn7qPCY/Ug8rLtG9JwI/AAAAAAAAAeE/teFcGxTy1T4/s1600/2" border="0" />

    Can I somehow use instance variables to make the moths beat their wings at different speeds?

    Thank you.

  • Thank you.

    So, making many new objects called Sensor_1 Sensor_2 etc is ok?

    I have a kind of Construct-Anxiety with this kind of thing. I'm always worried that adding too many objects will 'slow it down'. (Am I just being supersitious?)

  • Hi.

    I've used 'instance variables' a few times, but I still don't quite understand it.

    Can I use instance variables in this situation to re-use the object 'Sensor_1:'

    by giving it the variable instance property?

    <img src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-dvSZkNbrvvQ/UfFFcJDHBTI/AAAAAAAAAB8/hzExzoCgpDI/s1600/Untitled-2.png" border="0" />

    I'd like the sensor object to do different stuff depending on which instance Player collides with. How do I check which instance of Sensor_1 Player is in collision with?

    Thank you

  • Thank you.

  • Hi.

    I'm using this .capx by Yann, to add quiz levels between platform levels.

    Can anybody see how to change the question database to make different rounds?

    Is it a case of making a new array, or a new global text variable (QA2?)

    or a whole new Eventsheet& Layout everytime?

    Thank you.

  • Sorry! Sorry...

    Global variables. Wasn't thinking.


    Thank you Little Stain!

  • Hi.

    I have an energy bar issue.

    I want the player to be able to collect items that add to an energy bar, but it is resetting between layouts thus:

    <img src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-vdo8J8b7xUc/Ue5m2r_LxTI/AAAAAAAAABc/MQbKvkeRBKg/s1600/eeeror.gif" border="0" />

    Event sheet:

    <img src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-f2tv-3nSWYM/Ue5oZQu0ENI/AAAAAAAAABs/x-cgaEIH-NE/s1600/ddds.jpg" border="0" />

    Any suggestions?

    thank you


    (object 'Global' property is set to 'yes')

  • Hi.

    I'm using the Yann QA.capx to add quiz rounds to my platform game.

    (thanks for making and sharing this powerful system!)

    I want the player to do a quiz round, then a platform game round

    and then another quiz round and so on. (The quiz score = the time limit for the platform game round)

    Do I have to make new Layouts & Event sheets for each new quiz?     

    Thank you.

  • Yeah, that's what I'll be doing from now on. For everything- monsters, treasure chests... all sorts of things, probably!

  • Hi,

    thanks for reading.

    I'm working on a side scrolling platform game.

    I've been making backgrounds, breaking them into tiles, and loading them into construct 2; then adding invisible solid blocks for the platforms

    That's fine for some levels, but sometimes it'd be better to have less angular lines:

    <img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-2lrR5KSwsmI/UdSwQPZgUsI/AAAAAAAAAcg/6wkqFRqhMs0/s398/as.png" border="0" />

    is there a way to make more curvy walkable areas?


Hansokumake's avatar


Member since 22 Jan, 2013

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