Hansokumake's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi

    I'm starting an Irish language gaming culture site; under construction here


    Would love to be the official Gaelic Construct2 community.

    Will be online in a few weeks.

  • Thank you!

  • How do I reopen a layout/event sheet tab after I close it?

    Sorry for so basic a question. I feel ridiculous.

  • Bullseye.

    Thank you.

  • Hi.

    I followed the 'Cloning the Classics' video tutorials for 'Breakout'. It worked fine, and now I'm trying to develop the game.

    I want to set it up so that some bricks have to be hit a few times before being destroyed.

    <img src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-BdI7JBuN8Bs/US2Jnb13xwI/AAAAAAAAAWw/Krv3A23VfDE/s1600/Untitled-1.jpg" border="0" />

    What's happening is the brick sprite skips to the last animation and is destroyed on the first hit.

    Can anybody see what I'm doing wrong?

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  • Yep!

    That did it.

    Thank you!

  • Here is where the ball is spawned:

    <img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-q7Q8Fmde-oA/UQCa12mykRI/AAAAAAAAAV4/sV3B-4nEiXo/s1600/bug_1.jpg" border="0" />

    Here is a command which may be part of the problem.

    (It's intended purpose is to stop the ball from moving until the game starts)

    <img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ZdT_xYaiC98/UQCa1RkXmCI/AAAAAAAAAVw/DDbjOVoZ8rg/s1600/bug_0.jpg" border="0" />

  • Hi all.

    I'm trying to follow the 'Breakout clone' tutorial on youtube.


    When the player gets the multiball powerup, the new ball starts frozen.

    It only bounce around naturally after the mouse is left-clicked.

    please see animated gif illustration.

    Any idea where I've gone astray?

    <img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-pMEYdWtdHv0/UQAhVhT0nSI/AAAAAAAAAVY/sljBe-pCaoE/s1600/breakout_bug_1.gif" border="0" />

Hansokumake's avatar


Member since 22 Jan, 2013

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