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  • The game uses a CSV plugin.

  • Ah you beauty! Is that it? Just import the plugins and we're away?

  • Thanks for the replies.

    Yes- I have 3rd party plug-ins. could that be the problem?

    I've tried using CocoonJS and Crosswalk XDK- without success.

    I couldn't compile with phonegap, I'll try again tonight.

  • I've been trying all of them. Ive got a desktop full of version folders that all fail the same way.

    Ive tried uploading from another computer. Again, the files work fine, from that computer, but once online, the whole thing crashes at the same point.

  • Hi all,

    I'm testing a mobile phone game. I want to upload it to see how it plays away from my computer.

    The exported versions all crash at the same point:

    the first time the Events have to call images from a database.

    It's like the info that tells C2 which pictures to show and where to show them, can't find them.

    Weird though, because It looks identical to how they are arranged on the version that works- the one running off my computer.

    Any ideas what I can do to get it to work?

    I understand that you can export for different platforms. The game was designed for mobile devices. Is it possible that design choices -other than the 'export for' options- mean that it might work fine on mobile devices but not HTML5 Android etc? I can't see if it's working on phone. It not working on web; is that a guarontee that it wont work on mobile device?

  • Hi there.

    If you have any unused/abandoned.capx files that you're willing to share, I'd like to rework them into a free network for the betterment of civlilization.

    My hypothesis is this:

    A) Large and small changes are required in order to redirect the course of our civilization.

    B) The easiest changes are the smallest changes.

    C) The smallest meaningful change is a change of mind.

    D) Videogame technology can be used to change the mind.      

    I'm not talking about a mysterious unlocking of ancient wisdom.

    But the reason we are slow to make the essential changes in our societies is because our habits are embedded in the way we think.

    To wit,

    I'm trying to make games that remind the world's 70 million people of Gaelic descent that they have in their heritage another way of looking at things.

    I'm working on this, but I could do with some help.

    Even .capx that you might consider 'junk' would represent a major reduction in my workload and would be greatfully recieved.

    I won't connect any of your .capx files to the network without your prior approval, and all work will be credited.

    If you have any comments/questions or are interested in contributing your .capx (or .capx compatible media) to this project, please pm me or post your ideas below.

    Thank you and best regards


    <img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xnWWwAedsWQ/Un-slTZPUVI/AAAAAAAAAGY/sG5eI0V6DA0/s1600/Untitled-1.gif" border="0">

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  • Why does that happen? Those layers didn't have any objects with collision behaviours on them.

  • Sweet! That worked!

    Thank you.

  • Hi.

    I'm working on a rotary platform game level.

    In the .gif below, player seems to collide with something invisible. There's nothing there. Could something else be the cause of this behaviour?

    <img src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-9zJJ_Fpznj8/Ukcf1pZBxpI/AAAAAAAAAhA/gwZtJwrzfBw/s1600/Minty_gif.gif" border="0" />

    (or Could this be a rotary-game-template bug?)


    <img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-282xksojrKg/UkciKrQWUMI/AAAAAAAAAhM/W4yUW8EcG7Y/s1600/Minty1_gif.gif" border="0" />

  • That works!


  • (...or is this better resolved by just importing shed loads of sprites, one for each link?)

  • Hi.

    I'm trying to make a 'game' out of a comic in a minority language. I want the difficult words to hyperlink to an online dictionary's definition of that word.

    Can different instances of the same sprite link to different pages?

    Here's where I'm at so far:

    <img src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-b9yXEXce4zI/Uiks0rz6m5I/AAAAAAAAAFA/VZk9ZVxpb_Y/s1600/Forum_Q.png" border="0" />


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Member since 22 Jan, 2013

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