Cherico's Recent Forum Activity

  • Ha! With your changed .php files it works!


  • I don't change anything at the .capx except the url to the .php files.

    I will try your unpdated .php files ...

    What do you mean exactly, desjardins2014? Please upload a .capx (sorry, i didn't understand everything)

  • How can i do it for THIS game?

    Have i check for all objects separately, if there is a "neighbor" with the same animation-frame?

  • Hello and first (as always) sorry for my english!

    How can i count objects with the same animation-frame-number?

    For example:

    There's a playfield with X number of objects.

    Each object has 10 frames (framespeed = 0; on create = random frame).

    On combine more then two objects (adjacent) of the same color (frame) they will destroyed.

    But how can i "test" if there are no more objects of the same color (frame), that lies side by side?

    Thanks alot!

  • I zipped the .capx and the .php files into the .zip i attached.

    (and i deleted all the account-information in the .php as you say)

  • Thanks!

    I want an limited time to play - so you can play it "fast" on toilett or anywhere else *hehehe*

  • I worked on a new version of 60 SECONDS.

    A little bit simpler (only Windows8-Style-Tiles in this first new version), but i included WebStorrage-Highscores!

    I also removed the Physic-Movement for better performance (i hope).

    For Online-Highscores i need help (look at THIS posting).

  • Hey folks and first (as always) sorry for my english.

    I want to make an Online High Score and i use this TUTORIAL.

    But in the Final Game (i only exported the .capx from the tutorial to HTML), there's always an < / br > shown on the first line.

    Also the getscores.php and the savescores.php shown an Database-Error.

    I do everything from the Tutorial step by step an the username and password etc. for database are also correct (it still works to show the saved and save new entries but even with an < / br >).

    I hope anyone can help


  • Thanks - you make me happy


  • eliasfrost Looks absolute amazing! I love your artwork! Also looks like "Heart of Darkness"

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  • Hey and first (as always) sorry for my english

    I'm glad to present my first game, i hope i will "complete"

    (normally i try some things i've seen in other projects, only to make it by myself)

    60 SECONDS is an Candy-Crush-like Game, where you have to "connect/combine" min. or more then 2 Gems of the same Colour ( i think everyone knows how it works *g*) - but you always have only one Minute (or even 60 Seconds - so the Title) time.

    When you get a combo of more then X Gems, there are some "Bonus" appear and ...

    I'm sure everyone know how it works

    At the moment it's an Pre-Alpha Version with a Splash-Screen, the Game-Menue (select Theme and Play-Button), the Game itself and the End-Screen, where your Score is shown.

    An Help-Screen will be included next time - but for an Online-Highscore i will need help

    Maybe anyone can answer the question, that the performance will be better on Mobile Devices, when the game run "native" (as an "real" App), then open it in Webbrowser? It's half-good to play it in Browser with my Windows-Phone, but on Windows-Tablet it's not playable.


  • Compare Distance (Player.X, Player.Y, Enemies.X, Enemies.Y) < xPixel = Destroy?

    (put Enemies into a Family)

    Line of Sight would also work (better?!)