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  • R0J0hound

    Here is a little update for your plugin, Export canvas into an animated gif.

    First use action Set Delay between frames.

    Then use action Start Recoring Animation to start a new animation.

    Then use action Add Canvas As Frame (repeat as many times as you want).

    To close the animation use action Export Animated GIF.

    Now you can access the file for download or for saving with the expression canvas.encodedGif


  • TextBox/List/Button and all other Html objects are not rendered inside C2 canvas, they are displayed in the html on top of the canvas.

    So you can't draw anything above them.

  • I usually make a function that reads the data from an array with loopindex-ed position.

    Or you can use the board plugin:

  • It might be a 3rd party plugin your using.

    If so, try removing them 1 by 1 and test it again.

    When the game is loading you can press F12 then ESC to see chrome console, check it and look for any browser errors.

    If one file is missing, it will not load properly.

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  • If the collision mask is not important and all you need is to split the graphics, you can use a mask object.

    Create 2 mask objects (color the unwanted parts in black the rest leave transparent) and set the blending mode to Destination out

    On the layer settings where the object is on set:

    1. Transparent YES

    2. Force own texture YES

    Now create 2 instances of your object and the 2 masks and pin them to the object.

    If the mask is the same on both sides you can just mirror the same mask.

  • try this:

    onTouch canvas - begin path

    isTouching canvas - draw path with color, line width

    lineTo touch.x touch.y (if you got the canvas hotspot in the middle)

    lineTo touch.x-canvas.x touch.y-canvas.y (if the hotspot is in the top left corner)

  • Really?

    Because it works fine for me when previewing in chrome.

    Oh well, i'll switch back to box2d web.

  • Hi Shiva,

    I've made an update of the official plugin, until we'll get the official update.

    It works through browsers, but i can't get it to work with crosswalk.

    You are welcome to try it yourself.

    https://googledrive.com/host/0B3JLq-yXZ ... media2.zip

  • Problem Description

    Physics+Asm.js+Crosswalk+More than 8 collision mask points

    Attach a Capx

    ____ [attachment=0:lwpjpcpr][/attachment:lwpjpcpr] ____

    Description of Capx

    ____ works with 8 points, also work with box2d with more than 8 points.____

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • new project
    • add a sprite with physics and set 9 or more collision mask points.
    • change physics engine to asm.js
    • export to crosswalk

    Observed Result

    ____ black screen, even on the test tab, no need to build or emulate. ____

    Expected Result

    ____ What do you expect to happen? ____

    Affected Browsers

    • Crosswalk: (YES)
    • Chrome: NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    ____ Windows 7 sp1 ____

    Construct 2 Version ID

    ____ 163 - 64bit____

  • - please report all bugs to the bugs forum following all the guidelines or they cannot be investigated.

    ok i will, i didn't before because i was not sure if it's a bug with construct or crosswalk.

  • IntelRobert Ashley

    Hi, I've encountered a bug and i am not sure if it is construct related or crosswalk related.

    If i use more than 8 collision mask points on a sprite with physics and i export with asm.js i get a black screen on crosswalk,

    running in preview on chrome works fine, switching to box2D with more than 8 points also works fine.

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Headbang Games

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