Uploaded the .capx, didn't realise I had to save as a single file.
Thanks for the tutorial link Lordshiva1948
This is what I have currently: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0yebna1cf1su9au/Yella.caproj?dl=0
This is what I have, but only the walking animation will play (Default). The others only show the first frame, I have been pulling my hair out trying to figure out why, but nothing I have tried works. Can anyone spot what is wrong with my events?
lamar that works only for up down left and right, as I can not have two key released conditions in the same event. Unless I am missing some thing.
Though I want my character to face the diagonals of the 8 angle movement when set to 45 degree intervals, when they have stopped moving on that angle.
I can't seem to figure out or find the right tutorial for stopping the 8 angle movement (when I let go of keys) so that the player is facing the angle I was moving in. So if I was moving 45 drgrees, I want that angle to stay if I let go etc.
Never mind, I figured it out, this is how I did it.
X random(SpawnArea.BBoxLeft,SpawnArea.BBoxRight)
Y random(SpawnArea.BBoxTop,SpawnArea.BBoxBottom)
I want to create an object inside the spawnarea object, at a random point.
My thinking was:
X | random(spawnarea min, spawnarea max)
Y | random(spawnarea min, spawnarea max)
But no combination I have tried works.
Can you emulate an art style I have in place already? How much do you charge per hour?
I found the problem that was causing the issue. I had the enemy as a solid, which for some reason stopped the destroy event from working. Thanks —
Would the enemy need to be on the same layer as the object? At the moment my enemy is on layer 1, the wall is on layer 0. I'm guessing this is why it hasn't been working for me?
I have an enemy that spawns randomly within a layer, but I have come across an issue. I have wall objects and I do not want the enemy to spawn inside or near them, is there some way I can set an event that will stop the enemy spawning inside the wall or near it, but keep the random placement I have?
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oosyrag thanks, I checked it out. I just have to mess with it until I get the result I want.
Member since 28 Dec, 2016