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  • Here's an example file you can see how i've delt with reusing assets and spawing "prefab" characters based on one setup and multiple controls

    Basically its all based on functions though.

    You create a single player entity, and give it a unique owner ID at the time of creation. Then program a function for each different type of attack or movement etc.

    Then you call the function using its Unique ID as a parameter, and thus only the player that matches that Unique ID performs the action.

    eg: On Function Fire Bullet (1) (100) (250)

    Function "Fire Bullet"

    create object "bullet" at function.param(0) (player 1's position)

    set bullet.damage = function.param(1)

    set bullet.speed = function.param(2)

    This way you can reuse this one section of code over and over for any player no matter how many you have etc.



    click player 1 and player 2's) gamepad to spawn them.

    use WASD and SPACE for player 1 and arrow keys and "/" For player 2

    you can see how i've used the same technique for dealing with other ares such as collision detection as well, one function that gets reused over and over



  • You would store the X and Y at the time they decide where they are going to go in a instance variable on the object. Like when you mouse click somewhere, or if they are set to goto "the mine" or wherever.

    Then after recalculating the path, you would use

    Find Path To (previous destination)

    to reroute them to the same location again.

    I think that regenerate path keeps their previous destination in tact though when you run it. i could be wrong.

  • Depending on the situation you can always use the same object, but have it display a different static frame as its image.

    eg: every chess piece could be the same object, each with a different frame image.

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    Disclaimer: I am just a fan, and no way associated with itch.io


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  • Is it possible to select an object in the game while running the debugger from the game window directly and not just from the list on the left?

    For example, if you had 100 bullets flying around, and you wanted to pause and select just one of them to see its details?

  • Answer A) On keyboard press UP - set player animation to "walk up"

    On keyboard press Down - set player animation to "walk down"


    Answer B)When your game triggers your dialogue event eg: when the player goes up to a NPC and presses a button to talk, you would simply use

    Player - (8 direction - set enabled = false)

    this disables all input control on the 8 direction movement on the player until you call another action (like when he's done talking to the NPC - to enable it again.

    Player - (8 direction - set enabled = True)

  • You are going to want to do some searching on "Lerp" which is a math concept that allows you to move an object over time with a nice start/end speedup/slowdown effect

    but basically it will be

    On "DestinationObject" clicked ->

    (Sub event)Every Tick -> "object that needs to move" set position to

    X = Lerp ( "object that needs to move".X , DestinationObject.X , 0.5*dt)

    Y = Lerp ( "object that needs to move".Y , DestinationObject.Y , 0.5*dt)

    If you play with the value 0.5*dt you can make it faster/slower - eg: try 0.3 or 0.7

  • The biggest error people seem to miss when making a tutorial is explaining "Why" you are doing what you are doing at each step.

    Most stop short at .

    "Press this button, use this number, put this here"

    Every step should be explained why its being done, and how it could apply in other circumstances.

  • In the gamepad object actions, you can specify getting values from the Left or Right Thumbstick.


    On Left Stick X < 0 -> move player left

    On Right Stick X > 0 -> shoot right

  • Move your "subtract 1 from health" action down to the section that has "every 3 seconds"

    Right now its happening "every tick" so that's why its random why sometimes its taking 1 heart and sometimes more.

  • Construct is the perfect game engine for a new developer who wants to make something easy and quick. You've come to the right place.

    For simplicity sake, stick with a more Top Down view like in Dungeons of Dredmore.

    All you need to do to the tile artwork once you make it, is to change where the collision box is. Instead of drawing a box around the entire shape of the sprite for the wall tiles, you put it where the base of the box would be only. This way your player will collide with them appropriately.

    There's 2 plugins that can help with the zsorting (which objects appear behind or infront of other objects, eg: player walking behind wall tiles.



    or rex_Zsorter


    they are both similar, pick the one that makes more sense to you when you check them out.

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