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  • is your "run" animation set to "loop" and has a speed higher than 0?

    same goes the frame speeds of the individual frames of your run animation, they should have a higher number than 0

  • Change "start animation from current frame" to

    play animation "fall down"

    or which ever one you want it to trigger on contact.

  • Another solution might be to keep the units looking the same, but add a token or flag or some other item to the unit base (eg: a platform) or something indicating what team they are part of. Lets say you had a tank, and it was sitting on a red circle. That circle would be much easier to deal with changing its color than re-coloring the actual unit. So you could approach it that way as well.

  • You can do it 2 different ways.

    Either add another condition that checks if the touch is over the "left side screen box" or the right side screen box at the time of touch.

    or check its X position of the touch, and see if that's greater or less than half of the layout width.

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  • Imagine a space ship that stays in the center of the screen, but the background is infinite space and you can "fly" (offset the background) and it would move based on the input from the player.

    do you have to constantly move the tiled background, and adjust its width/height based on the player's keyboard input? or is there an easier way to achieve endless space?


  • There is a 3rd party Unity 3D plugin called Playmaker, which is really super easy to use, and allows you to more easily connect up parts of code without having to learn how to actually code in Javascript or C#.

    Its the closest things i think you'll get to a 3D construct 2.

    It costs money however for the plugin, and sometimes goes on sale. But its worth every penny.

    Start with watching some of the beginner tutorials on their youtube channel to see how easy it is to use.


  • Only $6 (70+ unique tiles)


    <img src="http://2.s3.envato.com/files/43867785/preview.jpg" border="0" />


    <img src="http://3.s3.envato.com/files/43249278/preview.jpg" border="0" />

  • Every tick you would compare the previous location to the one before it.

    global variable "PreviousX"

    global variable "PreviousY"

    system every tick

    ->set variable PreviousX to Mouse AbsoluteX

    ->set variable PreviousY to Mouse AbosluteY

    compare system variable PreviousX < Mouse absolute X

    -> Sprite Set Frame "3"

    compare system variable PreviousX < Mouse absolute X

    -> Sprite Set Frame "2"

    compare system variable PreviousY < Mouse absolute Y

    -> Sprite Set Frame "0"

    compare system variable PreviousY > Mouse absolute Y

    -> Sprite Set Frame "1"

  • Graphics gale is a good 2D animation software.


    Also Spriter (www.brashmonkey)

    andd Spine (www.esotericsoftware.com

  • Mouse "on object click" button

    ->do whatever

    If its invisible i don't think it will register that its a button though.

    Try not making it invisible, but simply an empty blank sprite instead if you need it to start visually invisible but still clickable

  • Fighter is overlapping Fighter

    -> compare instance variable "team" <> "team"

    ->Set state to "attack"

    This should set the initiating fighter sprite to "attack" as long as its "team" doesn't match the one its colliding into

  • That area is the area that you will see on your devices screen, and the white box area outside of it, is part of the game if you use the scroll feature to pan around your level for example. The scroll feature also only scrolls within the larger white area of your project as well, so it would act as the edges of your level.

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