justifun's Recent Forum Activity

  • Clicking the Edit Tile Collision Polygon button in the tilemap window does nothing.

    Double clicking the desired tile opens up the image editor window just fine though.

    Windows 7 64- 152 beta

    Construct 2 version:

  • You can fake a infinite scrolling space background using this plugin


    simply connect the keypresses of flying your ship to the offset x and y of the special tiled background in this plugin.

    Here's an example file


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  • Its mentioned in this video


  • box is overlapping box at offset - 32, 0

    (sub event)

    box animation frame = box.animation frame

    do action

    this checks the box next to it 32 units to the left

    then compares the box's current frame to the one next to it

    if they are the same, then it will perform the action you want.

  • Dont forget to make use of the "bookmark" feature as well. Right click an event and hit "add bookmark" to jump back easily in the future to a section.

    You can use the "search" field at the top under the view menu to find specific events etc as well.


  • Yup, they can both ben enabled/disabled independently.

    simply switch them when he hits the water!

  • I was able to replicate dynamic terrain deformation using the bitwise meathod for determining which tile to display.


    I did it first with just a sprite with a different tile on each frame, but i was also able to achieve the same result with the new tilemap plugin.

    Took a while to setup but it would be awesome if it was built into the tilemap plugin.

  • check out the 'sprite sheet' plugin , works like a charm!

  • Not directly, but you could easily create a variable with a number

    eg: "damage zone" and give it a value eg 5

    then check at any point if the current frame of the animation player is at that target area

    system player.current frame >= "player.damage zone"

    then you can easily tweak that number later on.

  • You can't limit the projects frames per second, but you can adjust the timing of the animations and speed of the movement to mimic what you want to achieve.

    When you select an animation from the animation list you will see a speed attribute it the upper left. lower that number to slow down your whole animation.

    also, each frame of your character's animation has a "speed" attribute that tells the game how long to spend on each frame. Click a frame and look for it in the upper left again

    increase that number to adjust how long the game should spend on each frame of your animation.

    using both of these you can slow down how your animations appear to play out.

    as for how fast it translates across the screen, simply slow down the movement speed of the pathfinding.

  • - The texture is repeating infinitely for me just fine.

  • Please let us know how much traffic you get through it. Not sure how many people know about it.

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