Lootzifr's Recent Forum Activity

  • I gave it a quick try and here is some feedback:

    • I really like the option to be able to load the player's image. That is something I am going to test soon.
    • I like the triggers (fail/error/success).


    1. Do I need to run "authenticate user" on any start of the game?

    2. I am missing the "request score" action to be able to sync with an already submitted higher score.

  • Hey Ashley,

    Do you mean by "PhoneGab" -> "Crosswalk" as well? I am interested in using/testing Game Center for iOS and iAds, but I need the Google Play Games Service plugin as well for that. Are you working on that? Any plans?

    Would be nice to just have one leaderboard/achievement plugin like the CCJS Plugin had (for both iOS and Android).

  • Hey Naji,

    that was quick And your review si very good. Your feedback is matching with my user tests mostly. Just to give some feedback back:

    Missing tutorial: I tested several types of doing that but wasn't able to find a good one. Most users hate to read text and skip it eather or. AS you noticed it is not to hard to figure out how the game works so I decieded to not implement it one so far.

    Game modes: It is very interesting that you like those game types more because they r just a side product I will think about it to set it as first/default play mode. The Normal mode with upgrading options is more for experienced users and makes most fun if both player know what they do.

    Menu grafics: You are just right, nothing to add. I just focused on the game part.

    I will let you know when I am going to upgrade the game. Thanks for taking the time and writing about it

    Btw: What is your testing-device?

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  • Nope, I guess that is normal. My exports are all around that size too.

  • Let me know If you want background info on it as well <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile">

    Name : Bombardment - Battleship Duell

    Android Link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... free&hl=en

    iOS Link: https://itunes.apple.com/en/app/bombard ... 87543?mt=8

    Genre : Strategy

    Size : 15 MB

  • Hey, did you set up an admob ID? You can run it in test mode but I think you have to put a valid ID in there anytime.

    Did you integrate the right third-party-plugin in Intel XDK Cordova? There are several out there.

    Here is a nice tutorial by Andi: http://shatter-box.com/documentation/co ... r-android/

    Works fine for me in test mode so far. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile">

  • Hey,

    1. Yes, you can just export from construct2 and override the project files. I never close the project for that and it works fine.

    2. In that case "Same" means your apk has to have the same ID (com.yourdomain.yourgamename) and needs to be signed with the correct certificate. There is also the version number. If you have exported with cocoonjs bevore they had set it up every time you compiled your game. In Intel XDK you can set that number by yourself. If you are not sure you can just type in there "100" and then every update plus one. It doesn't have to be in order but always be higher than the apk deployed before.

    3. I don't really get what you mean by that. Just use ID (com.yourdomain.yourgamename) for all your games. It doesn't matter what platform (android, ios, tizen, windows phone,...) This should be always correct then.

  • cranberrygame oh nice. Really cool. Going to buy your complete package as soon as it is in there. To me Game-Center (iOS) and Google-Play-Game-Services (Android) leaderboards and achievements are the most interesting plugins beside banner integrations.

    If you want to pick something else from my wish list: Amazon-Game-Circle (achievements & leatherboard)

  • hey, looks like a good set of plugins, but I am missing the Google Play Game Services plugin. Is it included in GameCenter (that is usually just the name for iOS game services).

  • Hey guys,

    I just wanted to share with you my new version of "Bombardment". Almost everything is new.

      • New pixel art sytle
      • New turret types
      • New game modes
      • Social achievements and leaderboard (Google Play Games on the Android version)
      • New music
      • Tablet optimized
      • New 3D logo
      • More speed

    I hope you like it. Please give me some feedback on what you like and what I should improve next

    Here are the webbrowser game links if you want to compare it:

    New: Bombardment 2.0

    Old: Bombardment 1.4

    Bombardment on Google Play Store

    iOS Version is following soon

    Cheers, Marco

  • Hey, I just implemented The new Google Play Game Services (C2) to one of my games. It works great so far if I upload it to the web (only the trigger "on signed in / signed out" seems to not fire correctly in my project).

    When I export it with to Cocoonjs it doesn't work. In the release note it says "no support with crosswalk" but what about Cocoonjs? There is no documentation / tutorial about that.

    Do we have to use the Cocoonjs plugin in that case? Would be amazing to just need the C2 "native" Plugin.

  • I got the moto g too.

    It's acually a really good phone. Very good value for that price.

    Good for testing? That depends. I would have loved to keep testing on my samsung s2 but it died. The moto g is quite powerful so that is not really good for testing if you wanna support old devices.


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