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  • szymek Thx for letting me know. Sounds like a nice phone. Maybe I will get one myself Did you test any other crosswalk apps on it? Did you notice the same jerkiness with those?

  • szymek What phone do you have? I tested it on many devices and it works well on those.

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  • Hey guys,

    I was never a big fan of Flappy Bird clones but I saw the new The Hunger Games movie and needed to create this parody about it.

    Here you can watch it on youtube:

    Here you can play it in a webbrowser: https://burpsgames.com/games/drinkingjay/

    Here you can play it on Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.burpsgames.drinkingjay

    Here are also some background information:

    • I created this game in about 20h. (5h drawing, 6h coding, 4h bugfixing+testing, 4h App store preparation, 1h video).
    • I used the construct2 flappy template to start but changed it a lot to have a flexible layout and to be able to have the parallax (world is not generated, it is a huge layout).
    • I created it via crosswalk including admob, game service and powermanagement plugins so it is able to show fullscreen ads sometimes and it has google play games achievements and a leaderboard. (thx to cranberry )

    I don't have the best drawing skills but I am quite happy with the result and I am impressed myself how quickly everything was developed. That's why I love C2

  • Hey,

    My game is initially set to "Scale Outer" so it changes the frame automatically. I want to change this to "Letterbox Scale" if the user is not on Crosswalk/Phonegap/Android/iOS. So if you run it on a browser/pc you will never see strange layouts if you resize your window to e.g. 1024px * 30px (super slim).

    Is that possible? I tried to use the "request fullscreen" action from the browser plugin but it didn't work.

    I could change it with different export settings but would be nice if this is changeable like I explaned or if there is a good reason why not.

  • Hey Tylermon,

    CJS has good performance on IOS. I tested one game on iOS Phonegap / Crosswalk and it seemed to have 80% of the performance of the CJS build. (before update).

    Using CJS instead of Crosswalk on iOS

    + Little better performance but guess that depends on your project (and should disappear in the futured due to iOS8)

    + Multiple Ad network integration through mopub

    • Longer loading times with Ludei Splash Screen
    • Mopub has horrible fillrates ~ 60% and mediation to other ad networks seems to not work well sometimes too. (I dont know if this is CJS error or mopub error)
    • CJS Plugin is officially deprecated and not recommended by Scirra
    • Somewhen Ludei needs to charge you for there service (crosswalk is open source)

    Especially if you want to publish your games to wp8 and android somewhen too crosswalk is the better choise. It is supporting an admob plugin for all those platforms and admob can mediate to other ad networks as well, but haven't tested it.

    CJS is not working on wp8 and has some pains on android (long loading times (splash screen), logo flickering, audio delay, a lot of permissions required...). You can not disable or deselect permissions you don't need so I guess they are used for intense and hidden user tracking.

    IMHO: If you want to use CJS then:

    • Use it for iOS builds only
    • Don't use C2 to build your game code
    • Expect charges in the future
    • Fear mopub issues if you want to monetize through ad banners
  • Just go to intel SDK and open your project setting. Scroll down to "Build Settings" select "Croswalk" and mark the fullscreen checkbox. Your next build is going to be fullscreen. Fullscreen in this case means a hidden status and navigation bar that you can swipe in to see.

    If you are talking about the emulator instead of a build that is somehow not working on start. Just mark the box on the right 'show status bar" and deselect it again. Your emulation should be updated on air in fullscreen mode.

  • You need to describe your project more or attach an example.

    How did you set it up? A player sprite with 'platform behavior' and door sprites with ' solid behavior'? You could also create an open door sprite and destroy the closed door at the same position on your "open door action". Open door sprites shouldn't have the solid behavior then.

    I would prefer doing it like Ashley said with instance variables, but don't know if that fits to your project.

  • Thx, yes I googled it before as well and found/read that but didn't really help.

  • I exported an App via Crosswalk. I set the App Version Code to 1 in Crosswalk project settings and I uploaded it to google play. The App Version Code there has a plus 20,000 so 20001 istead of 1.

    Does anybody know why? I don't want to start with 20001 :-/

  • hey, I am going to work on bosses soon too. I want to create bosses like the giant bee in donkey kong. So if I am right those are just different movements not interacting that much with the player.

    E.g. the bee could go left and right with a bullet + sine behaviour. I will activate different movements by changing a global variable. I will focus on non-player-relevant movements or maximum to have the boss standing and shooting something towards the player.

    I would recommend to take one boss of the games you referenced that you like and try to rebuild it first (maybe even in a more simple way).

    If you have a clear idea and a problem with it just post it to the forum. If it is precise you get better help

  • Hey, I have some games on Google Play Store. Feedback always welcome

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