LimonSpace's Recent Forum Activity

  • ehhhmmmm i try to compile my file and put on altervista and when i start the game don't compare again the debug -destroyng upgrade

    is cause he's connect?

    how can i show on my server if the client is connect?

  • hi all.

    i write this simple server

    var http = require('http');

    var io = require('').listen(1234);

    console.log('in attesa di connessioni')

    io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket) {

    socket.on('Echo test', function(data) {

    socket.listen(1234, '')




    when i try to connect my game with

    on start layout socket connect port 1234 and run the game the server write this

    debug - destroyng upgrade

    how can i connect my game to server

  • lol.

    when i try to run my game my pc fly over 65 fps and i've not any problem and agin i try with a stupid older pc the fps is over 25 i dunno why in your case the pc frozen

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  • yes i know that.

    but if i set the player don't follow instantly the mouse every tick i've an orrible bug with the follow target and i dunno how to delete this any idea?

  • hi all,

    nice to meet you,

    that's my first project with construct 2 and i'm only at the start of this project but i wanna only show you my work at

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Member since 13 Aug, 2012

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