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  • I modified the index in this way.

    <script src="http://localhost:8080/"></script>

          <script src=""></script>



            var name = '';

            var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:8080');


    because the server and the file html is hosted on my apache server and when the people write my public ip in this case can access to my html file and for now he work,

    with this modification i access to my html file with a proxy and i see that my js server sends data but in the screen don't compare the player schip


  • LimonSpace

    Is your own server publicly available through the DNS? Assuming it is, then in your index.html you simply reference the appropriate URL to access your server. (But I hope you're taking all the necessary security precautions!)

    how can do that?

    can you show me an example?

  • nobody can help me?

  • hi all,

    how can i connect the index file hosted on altervista to the server hosted on my pc?

    when i try the example in localhost everything gonna right and the server answers correctly but from altervista i can write every ip and compare always the sprite and the arrows but there are no connections to the server why?

    can anyone show me the right way?

    PS and the sprite don't move

  • LimonSpace

    How did you do it. I can't for the life of me figure it out according to the post above that some one wrote (Thanks for that btw, it got me thinking)

    I simply wrong to quote sorry <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • hi all,

    i've a problem i make a simple star's game with this tut and now i only wanna put this project online but when i try to connect to my game by internet he don't connect to my server what i can do?

    i put the client on apache in my pc and the people can visit the home of the game (made in construct) but don't connect on my server (always in my pc) i just do port forwarding and exections in firewall ecc but nothing.

    i try with your example but    <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> the same thing how can i solve? thanks simone

    PS with construct the connection is ok

  • > Use the socket.on disconnect function to broadcast it.

    I see how to do it, but I have no idea what to enter in after that.


    socket.on (disconnect) {



    solved thanks

  • LimonSpace : There is one event in the sample file that says "every 0.07", in the sample file it sends the position of the managed player to the server. What actions do you have there?

    i've the same your's.

  • hi i try this tut with my construct file a simple ship in a background but i dunno why when i connect my ship the count of ship go over 1000 he put on my background 1 ship every 0.07 second why?

  • sorry for the post i solved <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • hi all,

    i dunno how do that:

    Array      set value at int(Socket.lastDataElement(1)) to Sprite.UID

    can anyone show me pleace?

    is in the picture of this fantastic tutorial thank's so much

  • close this post i solved

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Member since 13 Aug, 2012

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