Yeah, it is not possible to improve performance with filters. You need to find out why your layout lags and try to fix that issue.
If Time = 6 when I press and keep holding space, will this action be run at Time = 8 or will it run at Time = 14?
I think it will run at time=8, so in 2 seconds.
That's why I don't like this method, I suggest using Timer behavior. On Space pressed start a repeating timer, on Space released stop it.
1StepCloser The lag feels a bit shorter, am I right? Do you have lags in the expression editor? They are the worst in my case, after I type something like "lerp(" the browser can freeze for 10-20 seconds sometimes. And clicking the garbage collection icon reduces them to nothing! Can you test with those?
Have Player Spawn Parts and set the animation name to match every image point name.
You can do the other way around - spawn parts with every animation and attach them to image point with the same name as the animation.
I don't think it's possible to get image point name by its index.
And of course you can spawn an entire creature with all body parts using hierarchies and templates.
If you have image points with names like "Point1", "Point2", "Point3", then you can access them using expressions like these:
Sprite.ImagePointX("Point" & number)
Sprite.ImagePointX("Point" & loopindex("Parts"))
There is an official example in C3, have you seen it?
1StepCloser I think I found how to temporarily fix these lags! You can force Chrome to run garbage collection - in DevTools click a little can icon on the Memory tab.
I tested it several times today. Whenever I noticed the editor becoming less responsive, I clicked that button and it immediately stopped lagging. The effect lasted 5-10 minutes in my case.
Please let me know if it works for you!
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Here is something similar:
You can probably add two invisible sprites connected with a physics joint to the hoop. And use these sprites as control points for a mesh on the net sprite.
I've never worked with noise before, here is my first attempt:
You get a tilemap, which can be saved using Tilemap.TilesJSON expression, or be easily converted to an array.
CUSTOM EXPRESSIONS (= Custom Actions with return value)
I really want these! Enemy.getHealth instead of Functions.getEnemyHealth(Enemy.UID) would greatly increase code readability.
Did you set obstacles to "Custom" in behavior properties, for all members of the family?
Also, did you set Water and Land variables on the sprites directly? If you are setting them with events, these values may not yet be available in the "On created" trigger.
Member since 26 May, 2016