Yes, sorry. I should have realized that. Alternatively you could put all objects into a family and use the System Time Scale Object instead.
Make a global variable called "Paused". Write 2 conditions:
Paused = 0 》Set time scale to 1.0
Paused =1 》 Set time scale to 0.0
___________ 》System wait 1.0
___________ 》Set Paused to 0
I recently encountered the same problem. The issues seemed to be related to the particular layer that I was using. All of my layers did not have the same parallax value. I didn't really understand why that was causing the problem but I tried changing the layer that the object using the bullet behavior was using and then it worked fine. I don't know if that is the issue for you and it may be a bug with the latest stable release. I was unable to replicate it to report it as a bug and I encounter the problem twice in the last week. Just thought I'd share that with you
You should always search the tutorials and forums. Try this
This is freaking awesome! Thanks!
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Use Rotate toward potion 》Touch.X, Touch.Y
Check this out too
What is the actual condition that triggers the attack animation? And yes you should post a screen shot of the code or a capx. You might want to add an instance (boolean) variable to the object/character so the animation only triggers when true. You can change its value back to false after the animation is finished.
I think maybe you might just want to use the "Object 》On Clicked 》System 》 Wait 1.0" and then the event
This looks awesome! Something I can really use right now. Thanks for sharing it. I will give you some feedback.
Are using Set Angle toward position 》 Mouse.X, Mouse.Y ?
It's hard to say without a capx but, it sounds like the rope formula that's the problem. Can you post a capx?
Member since 7 Jul, 2012