Thanks for that blackhornet . This could be useful to me too
Looks good!
Thanks for sharing.
Hey, sorry, my mistake. I forgot about that..
You can't use fonts that way. You need to use SpriteFont object.
Read the manual concerning this, I believe it should explain why.
Can you post a capx?
On the properties dialog under 8 direction behavior, you can set it to 4 directions.
Try making the player solid too.
Always do a search on Tutorials and Forums.
You can find some info and a plugin here:
Look forward to seeing them
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Always search the tutorials. Check this out. I think it's what you need.
I checked into them recently before moving my websites to a new host. I chose They use Softoculus which lets you install any system in about a minute. WordPress, Joomla, and tons more. Very easy and inexpensive.
Do you mean High score? Or do you mean a current score as the game plays?
Member since 7 Jul, 2012