Hope you find it useful. It's older material and you can improve on a lot of it. But it is the foundation of how to handle it and I'm sure there are other approaches. There' is also a lot of other useful code in there that will get you started with other things you might need in your game.
Good Luck
Can you post a capx?
There are a lot of tutorials. Search for platform AI. Also search the store, there are a lot platform AI's and I saw one recently specifically for fighting. If want to PM me I will send you a sample project of one that I created with lots of useful stuff.
Looks Interesting. Thanks or sharing!
Try selecting the project and in the properties dialog set the default browser to the browser you want to launch. If it's set to "Default" the issue may be with computer. Force it to make a choice. You should use Google Chrome.
I'm interested in talking to you. I went to your Facebook page but there doesn't seem to be much going on there yet. I will make a post. Here's a link to my upcoming gamehttp://neoprofessor.com/final-contact/. I have a separate website under construction, new artwork, and gameplay video coming soon. I plan a Kickstarter or Crowdfunder and need a kick *** trailer. I plan to make this game available for all mobile platforms and steam. You can PM me or contact me through my website.
Google Drive shouldn't have anything to do with it. Web storage uses the cache of the browser.
I tried to install rex_boudary plugin but it doesn't seem to install and I cant open your project
Search the tutorials section. There is a tutorial on how to do it.
You could use
"Is Overlapping at Offset" (-25, 0) for left side
"Is Overlapping at Offset" (25, 0) for right side
and make it a dual condition by adding System> Trigger Once while True to each
You really need to post a capx
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Have you tried using the browser object to set to "scale inner" ?
Member since 7 Jul, 2012